Recovery after peritonitis

Peritonitis is an inflammatory process of the abdominal cavity, which develops under the influence of various factors. This pathological process is extremely dangerous for human health, therefore, in this case, urgent medical intervention is required. The person is subject to urgent hospitalization and immediate surgical treatment.

General information

The causes of the development of the inflammatory process of the abdominal cavity most often become pathological processes of a different genesis that are not treated in time. Most often, this is an untimely operated appendix.

Symptoms of peritonitis include:

  • the occurrence of intense sharp pain in the abdomen, while the person finds it difficult to indicate exactly where the pain is localized;
  • there is a strong tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • there are attacks of nausea or vomiting, but in some cases there may be only nausea, vomiting does not always accompany the development of peritonitis;
  • an increase in body temperature to febrile levels, severe fever and chills occur;
  • complete lack of appetite (as a person describes, he “became a stomach”);
  • there is an intense feeling of thirst, but at the same time, doctors categorically forbid giving any drinks or food, even water is not allowed to drink;
  • there is a severe bowel disorder, increased flatulence;
  • urination is rare, too little fluid leaves;
  • strong feeling of weakness;
  • a severe attack of tachycardia, which is not stopped by cardiac drugs;
  • the appearance of profuse sweating, while the sweat is cold and sticky;
  • the intestines do not growl, gases do not depart.

It is very important to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible in order to carry out the necessary treatment in a timely manner. So recovery from peritonitis will happen much faster, and the danger to life will pass.

Features of preoperative preparation

It is important to know how long the body recovers after peritonitis. This is directly affected by how timely the patient turns to the doctor and how quickly and competently he will be treated.

To prepare the patient for surgery, doctors need no more than three hours. During this period, intensive infusion therapy is carried out in order to restore vital body functions.

At this stage, it is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  • restore water and electrolyte balance in the body;
  • normalize the volume of circulating blood fluid;
  • to establish arterial and central venous pressure;
  • reduce the heart rate, relieve an attack of tachycardia;
  • increase the amount of urine excreted, achieve normalization of diuresis.

Sometimes, during the three hours that are allotted for preparation for surgery, doctors do not have time to restore all kidney functions. In this case, surgical treatment is not delayed, but the likelihood of a favorable outcome of such treatment is reduced.

During the preparatory period, it is imperative to monitor blood pressure in order to restore diuresis in some cases, bladder catheterization may be necessary.

In order to fully prepare the gastrointestinal tract for treatment, food particles and vomit are removed using a probe.

How is surgical treatment performed?

If a patient is diagnosed with peritonitis of purulent etiology, surgeons perform the following types of therapeutic effects:

  1. An incision is made in the center of the abdomen.
  2. The pathological fluid that fills the abdominal cavity is extracted. Carry out antiseptic treatment of the inner walls of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Novocaine is introduced into the region of the celiac trunk, sigmoid and small intestine. Thanks to this drug, vasospasm is stopped, due to this, it is possible to restore peristalsis within a short period of time.
  4. The next stage of treatment is a thorough debridement with isotonic solutions to reduce the number of pathological microorganisms.
  5. The main cause that caused the development of peritonitis is being eliminated.
  6. The intestines are cleared of gases and liquid contents.
  7. Repeated sanitation is carried out, antibacterial drugs are introduced.
  8. The final stage of surgical treatment is suturing the incision area.

Features of the postoperative period

Rehabilitation after peritonitis directly depends on how timely the treatment turned out to be. 7 hours after sutures are applied, antibacterial solutions are reintroduced into the abdominal cavity by drainage. For two days after the operation, this procedure is carried out at least three times.

Further treatment is:

  • intramuscular and intravenous administration of antibacterial drugs;
  • conducting detoxification therapy;
  • restoration of acid balance;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • restoration of protein in the blood fluid;
  • restoration of intestinal motility.

Nutrition is carried out with the help of the introduction of special solutions by the energy route. The patient is also prescribed a special diet. The diet food prescribed by the doctor after suffering peritonitis usually lasts at least six months. During this period, the use of smoked foods, pickles, marinades, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages is completely prohibited.

What lifestyle is shown to the patient

It is recommended to introduce vegetable and mucous soups, yesterday's lean bakery products, non-acidic fruits and berries into the diet. It also shows the use of fish and meat dishes based on lean varieties of fish and meat. Allowed the use of soft-boiled eggs, dairy products, honey and jam. Meals should be fractional - in small portions, but often. You can not take rough food.

Full recovery from a dangerous condition usually occurs within at least a few months. During this period, the activity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is restored. To speed up the rehabilitation period and minimize the risk of developing consequences, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all medical recommendations:

  • wear a postoperative bandage, which minimizes the risk of developing abdominal hernias;
  • lifting and carrying heavy loads is not allowed;
  • proper and healthy nutrition is recommended;
  • walks in the fresh air, special gymnastic exercises, breathing exercises are shown.

Preventive actions

It is not possible to carry out any primary prevention of the development of peritonitis. But it is quite possible to perform measures that relate to the secondary prevention of this pathological condition. Such measures include timely diagnosis and treatment of those diseases that provoked the pathology.


Those patients diagnosed with ascites or cirrhosis of the liver should take antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor as a primary prevention of the development of peritonitis.
