Restoration of intestinal motility

Every third person has problems with the functioning of the intestine. Indigestion is fraught with the development of various diseases. Many people are puzzled by the question - how to restore intestinal motility. To establish the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, an integrated approach is needed.

Causes of violation of peristalsis and symptoms of its manifestation

Peristalsis is characterized by rhythmic contractions of the muscular walls of the intestine, due to which food masses move from the thin to the thick section. This process helps to absorb nutrients and remove processed food from the body.

Intestinal peristalsis may not be able to cope with its functions for a number of reasons:

  • eating junk food, the wrong combination of products;
  • the appearance in the intestine of a benign tumor or cancer;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heredity;
  • regular stressful situations;
  • complications after operations on the abdominal organs;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • the use of drugs that adversely affect the work of the digestive tract;
  • natural aging of the body;
  • neurological disorders.

The main factor in violation of peristalsis is the systematic intake of junk food. Fatty, high-calorie, spicy and salty foods contribute to the fermentation processes in the intestines. In many people aged 30-40, the intestines are already heavily slagged, they begin to feel constant discomfort. Poor intestinal motility can lead to a number of diseases, including the appearance of malignant neoplasms.

This pathology manifests itself in the following signs:

  1.   Chair disorder. May be bothered by constipation, sometimes followed by diarrhea. Constipation can become chronic.
  2.   Constant irritability, insomnia.
  3.   Excess weight.
  4.   The appearance of pain in the abdomen of a different nature.
  5.   Bloating, heaviness, flatulence.

With such a pathology, intoxication of the body occurs, accompanied by a deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, nails. Perhaps the development of allergic reactions. After the appearance of these symptoms, a specialist consultation is necessary.  

Methods for restoring peristalsis

To normalize intestinal motility, complex therapy is needed, which should include: taking medications, performing certain exercises, healthy food. Traditional medicine will also help to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapy with medicinal drugs

Treatment aimed at increasing motility and increasing the tone of the muscle fibers of the intestine is prescribed by a specialist after an accurate diagnosis is made. The drugs aceclidin, vasopressin and prozerin improve the functioning of intestinal motility. Medicines with a laxative effect should be used to speed up bowel movements. The latest drugs are divided into several subspecies:

  1.   Laxatives that act on the large intestine. There are synthetic and herbal preparations. Synthetic (Bisacodyl, Phenolphthalein, Guttalax) are designed to relieve constipation, intestinal atony in the postoperative period. The abuse of such medicines leads to addiction, the occurrence of colic and the appearance of allergies. Herbal preparations based on medicinal herbs (hay, licorice, buckthorn, rhubarb root) increase the tone of the muscle fibers of the colon and restore natural defecation. Among herbal preparations, Regulax is the most popular. It is effective in the treatment of intestinal atony resulting from malnutrition, stressful shocks, physical inactivity.   
  2.   Laxatives that affect the small intestine. These include castor oil. The action of this tool is aimed at facilitating the movement of processed products through the intestines and accelerating the process of defecation. After use, the product acts in 2-3 hours. Often, taking oil provokes the formation of moderate cramps in the abdomen.  
  3.   Laxatives that act on the entire intestine. These include Glauber's and Epsom salts. These are the most effective means that enhance peristalsis, which are effective in severe forms of constipation. The drug begins to act after 1-1.5 hours.

In addition to the listed medications, medications that stabilize the nervous system can be included in the therapy complex.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition plays a huge role in the treatment of this pathology. With the help of healthy products, not only intestinal motility improves, but the whole body is cleansed of harmful substances. There are two groups of products that increase and decrease intestinal motility.

The first group includes:

  • plums, persimmons, sour apples, melons, apricots;
  • low-fat sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, barley porridge;
  • figs, raisins, dried apricots, prunes;
  • raspberries, strawberries, grapes, gooseberries, blueberries, watermelon;
  • chilled compotes, juices from berries and fruits, mineral water, grape wine;
  • seafood, seaweed;
  • carrots, beets, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, onions, fresh and sauerkraut, greens;
  • sunflower, olive, linseed and corn oil;
  • nuts.

The second group includes:

  • fresh and sweet pastries made from wheat flour with the addition of yeast;
  • hot strong tea, cocoa, coffee;
  • butter, eggs;
  • red grape wine;
  • beef, pork;
  • jelly from berries with potato starch;
  • chocolate products;
  • quince, pear;
  • rice, semolina, pearl barley;
  • bird cherry, chokeberry.

Vegetables are recommended to be eaten fresh. Freshly squeezed beet, carrot or cabbage juice is very useful for the intestines.

You need to eat in small portions and often. Exclude junk food from the diet: smoked meats, pastry and yeast dough products, fried and too fatty foods, canned food, sweets. You need to drink up to two liters of plain water per day. For the proper functioning of the intestines, half an hour before breakfast, you need to drink 250-300 ml of non-cold water.


You can restore intestinal motility with the help of traditional medicine recipes:

  1.   Wheat bran. Use 2-4 tsp. grains a day with water.
  2.   Buckthorn infusion. Pour 2 tsp. plants 0.5 l. boiling water and drink like tea after 20-30 minutes.
  3.   A mixture with a laxative effect. It is necessary to grind 2 green apples on a grater, mix with 4 tsp. oatmeal and 2 tsp. germinated wheat grains. Then add 2 tsp to the resulting mass. honey, 2 tsp chopped nuts, 2 tbsp. boiled water and juice of half a lemon. Ready to use throughout the day.  
  4.   Plantain seeds. Pre-grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and consume before meals in the amount of 1 tsp. Once in the intestines, they swell and form a sufficient volume of processed food for natural defecation.
  5.   A mixture of dried fruits. The following composition has a laxative effect: grind 0.4 kg of pitted dried apricots and prunes in a meat grinder and mix with 0.2 l. honey, a pack of senna herbs and 4 tsp. propolis. The resulting mixture should be consumed in the evening before going to bed with a small amount of boiled water.

For a mild laxative effect, sauerkraut brine, fruit decoctions, freshly squeezed juice, tea with dried apples and cherries are recommended.

Exercises that increase peristalsis

A sports lifestyle (running, tennis, swimming, horseback riding) favorably affects the functioning of the intestines. You can massage your stomach on your own, perform hardening with cold water in the shower and carry out special exercises. Such activities will help tone the abdominal muscles and improve bowel function. Below is a set of exercises:

  1.   From the “lying on your back” position, slowly lift the upper body. Perform 5-15 repetitions.
  2.   Lying on your back, bend your legs at the kneecaps. Then slowly bring them closer to the chest, lingering in this state for 5-10 seconds. Such actions release gases from the intestines.
  3.   Lying on your back, perform rotating actions with bent legs like cycling. This exercise increases and enhances blood circulation in the pelvis.
  4.   Jumping in place, you can use a jump rope for this.
  5.   In the “standing on all fours” position, alternately stretch the legs back. The back needs to be bent. Such actions improve blood circulation in the pelvis.

Upon completion of the above exercises, perform slow, shallow squats.

A complex of therapeutic measures aimed at restoring intestinal motility should be determined by a specialist. To establish the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient must follow all the doctor's prescriptions. Then negative consequences and complications can be avoided.
