How to restore the microflora

Microflora is a group of living microorganisms that are present in the body of all living beings. It begins to form from an early age. What the microbial balance will be depends on the foods that a person eats, hereditary factors and the immune system. The intestines and vagina suffer the most from microbial flora disorders. It is very important to know exactly how to restore normal microflora.

Restoration of microbial balance in the intestine

Factors that lead to a violation of the microflora in the body are:

  • pathogenic bacteria;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • the presence of anemia;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • eating a lot of sweets, alcohol and other harmful foods.

The state of the microbial flora of the intestine depends on:

  1. food preferences. When eating a large amount of yeast products and sweets, the harmful bacteria that live in the intestine begin to multiply actively. This leads to dysbiosis. To avoid its development, it is necessary to include in your diet as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible and greens;
  2. The use of fermented milk products containing live bacteria that benefit the body. The main thing is to carefully select such products so that they successfully pass standardization and have a guarantee of quality. Only sour-milk products that comply with the standards contain beneficial bacteria that can multiply in the intestinal flora.

In people suffering from intestinal diseases, processes of suppuration and fermentation of food take place inside. The restoration of the microflora in it is definitely required, after getting rid of the disease provoking its violation.

Very often, intestinal dysbacteriosis is a consequence of taking antibiotics, so it is necessary to start restoring the normal microbial flora in it even during therapy. Daily it is recommended to use fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese). Be sure to exclude cheese from the diet. At the end of antibiotic treatment, it is imperative to undergo prophylaxis of possible dysbacteriosis.

You can restore the microflora in the intestine using medications in the following order:

  1. The destruction of pathogenic microbial flora is carried out. Then, toxic metabolic products are removed from the intestines with enterosorbent preparations;
  2. The microbial balance is replenished with beneficial bacteria using probiotics. In no case should they be taken without medical advice, so as not to achieve the opposite effect;
  3. When the right balance is reached, it must be maintained. The microbial flora is "feeded" with prebiotic preparations that activate the reproduction of beneficial bacteria;
  4. Next, the process of restoring the full functioning of the intestines and the immune system is carried out. Nutrition should be rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. It will not be superfluous to take vitamin complexes, which will be prescribed by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Restoration of the vaginal microflora

Dysbiosis in the vagina can be the result of a huge number of factors: hormonal changes that occur in the body, the presence of diseases of an infectious origin, prolonged use of antibiotics, unbalanced nutrition, and others. Intestinal dysbacteriosis can also provoke a violation of the vaginal microflora. The anatomical walls of the organs are located close to each other, so pathogens can easily spread.

How to restore the microflora of the vagina, based on the experience of modern gynecology:

  1. Antibacterial therapy is carried out, which contributes to the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms;
  2. The restoration of the vaginal flora is carried out. To do this, use special tampons, trays, vaginal tablets and suppositories. The course of treatment is ten days. With the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis, therapy should not be stopped. An indication for interrupting the course can only be menstrual flow, or side effects that have appeared;
  3. Provides support for normal microbial balance. To do this, you must follow a diet rich in dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

Preparations that contribute to the restoration of microflora, in our time, there is a huge variety. In no case should you self-medicate. If symptoms of a violation of the microbial flora appear, you should not postpone a visit to specialists who are able to select the most effective drugs.
