Diet 5 after gallbladder removal

Carrying out surgical actions to cut out such an important organ becomes relevant only when a categorical diagnosis is confirmed by specialists: cholelithiasis with indicators for the removal of the corresponding organ.

After surgery, the patient is strongly recommended a certain mode of life, one of the most important roles in which is assigned to proper nutrition.

The role of diet after gallbladder removal

After the operation to remove the gall reservoir, the body becomes vital for a special diet. Strict compliance with the requirements is aimed at ensuring that bile is produced as little as possible in the liver, because in the absence of an organ that previously served as a store of this yellow liquid, it goes straight into the intestines and causes congestion in the gastrointestinal tract.

Subject to a certain diet, over time, the functions of the remote organ are taken over by the intrahepatic ducts, so after about a year, it will be possible to return to a normal diet.

In the first three days of adaptation from surgery, the medical staff monitors the patient's diet. And then, after discharge, the entire responsibility for observing the diet lies with the person himself. And here the main thing is to prevent bile stagnation, which is prevented by eating certain foods and increasing fluid intake. You should eat fractionally, in small portions, from 6 to 7 times during the day.

Forbidden foods

The following foods are contraindicated in the menu of a recovering person:

  • pickles, smoked meats, sausages, spices, marinades, canned food, onions, garlic, any spicy and sour food;
  • meat, fish, mushroom broths;
  • foods high in fat;
  • confectionery sweets, which can be replaced with jam, honey, marmalade and marshmallow delicacies in small quantities;
  • baking with cocoa powder;
  • coarse fiber contained in peas, beans, wholemeal flour and with the addition of bran;
  • foods that cause spasms in the intestines - ice cream, jelly, etc .;
  • spirits and drinks with gas.

All of the above food packages increase the production of bile and therefore should not be included in the menu designed for diet 5 after gallbladder removal.

Diet number 5

One of the variant approaches to the restorative diet is the diet number 5 after gallbladder removal, based on steam and boiled cooking methods, consisting of crushed permitted foods.

If we talk about the general direction of this diet, then it is also suitable for people suffering from gastritis in the acute stage.

The recommended nutritional system is applied for several weeks until the body is fully restored.

  1. During the first seven days after the operation, food should be taken strictly at the same time, in a small amount, in a crushed or pureed form. Mashed potatoes, natural unsweetened juice, jelly, weak, slightly sweetened, tea are allowed. If the soup, then lean, vegetable. On the fifth day, a small amount of white bread of secondary freshness is allowed.
  2. On the seventh day, you can add cereals, low-fat cottage cheese, sour-milk products, boiled and chopped meat, low-fat fish, egg scrambled eggs without yolks. At the same time, one should not forget about taking in a sufficient amount of liquid (up to 2 liters), also in small portions.
  3. In the second week of diet number 5 after the removal of the gallbladder, you must continue to adhere to the recommended diet and cook only steamed or boiled dishes. You can add milk soups, various casseroles, cereals with milk, jelly to the diet. Be sure to drink water, mineral water is also allowed, but of a specially designed composition.
  4. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as rye bread, are prohibited. All food should be of medium consumption temperature, hot and cold food in menu 5 of the table after removal of the gallbladder is excluded.

This diet is recommended to be observed for one and a half months.

If we talk about the approximate content of the daily diet, then the menu for one day may look like this:

  • 1st breakfast - rice porridge with milk, cottage cheese, weak coffee;
  • 2nd breakfast - baked apples, white bread and low-fat cheese sandwich, compote;
  • lunch - oatmeal soup with vegetables, pasta, steam cutlet, rosehip broth;
  • afternoon snack - crackers with jam or jam, jelly;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes with fish meatballs, light pudding, weak tea.

Between the main meals, 1-2 snacks are allowed in the form of stewed vegetables, fruits or yogurt.

Diet 5 after laparoscopy

Laparoscopic intervention is considered more gentle for the body than abdominal surgery, but the general nutritional recommendations remain the same. The main menu includes the same diet foods mentioned above:

  • reduced consumption of salt and sugar;
  • the consumption of animal and vegetable fats, lard, sausages, smoked meats, spices, spicy foods is limited; of the allowed polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega 3 remains;
  • an important condition is a rational drinking regime - more water, medium acidity of juices, vegetable and fruit fresh juices, herbal teas and rosehip broth; beetroot and industrial juices, soda water, alcohol are prohibited;
  • mineral water is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor, six months after surgery;
  • any food with a high content of cholesterol is excluded due to the risk of the formation of new stones;
  • all food is only steamed, boiled or baked;
  • food should be fractional, small portions and alternate with the use of water;

The entire diet must be properly balanced so that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, therefore, doctors prefer diet 5, which is considered the most effective after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy and should be monitored by a nutritionist.

It is in this menu of the table that the consumption of substances necessary for the life of the body is balanced, which contribute to the normal functioning of the liver, improve the separation of bile and increase its bactericidal properties, as well as the activation of the intestines as a whole.

An approximate schedule of allowed foods can be found in any Internet sources with a specific name - diet 5 or 5a after gallbladder removal, the latter of which is more strict. Under its prescription, pasta, natural coffee, egg yolk are prohibited, only chicken, turkey, rabbit and lean beef are allowed from meat.

The unchanging rules of menu 5a boil down to the fact that foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract are excluded, and all food is consumed only in pure form. Foods that cause fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, an increased load on the liver, are strictly limited.

The diet should contain foods with a high fluid content and the mandatory presence of dietary fiber.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  • 1st meal - fresh salad of mashed vegetables or fruits, cutlet with milk sauce, weak coffee;
  • 2nd breakfast - baked apple;
  • lunch - crushed potato soup, stewed vegetables, boiled fish, berry jelly;
  • afternoon snack - biscuits with rosehip tea;
  • dinner - pasta with acceptable cheese, a little butter, mineral water;
  • shortly before bedtime - a small glass of kefir.

Such a therapeutic diet is not a panacea for the disease that has befallen. This is just one of the measures to alleviate the patient's condition, which, in combination with the main drug and physiotherapeutic effects on the body, prevents a relapse.

It is undesirable to use diet food on your own, without prior consultation with specialists, as this is fraught with undesirable consequences. Each approach must be strictly individual, because rehabilitation after surgery is different for everyone.

All medical recommendations must be strictly followed: if fresh pastries are prohibited, then only yesterday's bread can be eaten.

The table menu at number 5 helps to cope not only with its main purpose, but also cure other diseases in parallel: obesity, exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and raise the overall tone of the body.

All the principles of the diet must be strictly observed: the diet must contain a rational amount of protein, the average daily fat intake should not be exceeded, only low-fat or fat-free foods. If an increase in the outflow of bile is required, then the amount of consumption of vegetable fats is increased.

If the recovery period is correct, pain and other discomfort in the side cease to bother, then the diet, within the recommended menu, can be gradually expanded, while not forgetting the existence of categorically prohibited items of dishes and products.

Diet after gallbladder removal - video
