Restoration of bowel function

With the help of your doctor, you can determine how to restore bowel function. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the correct treatment is prescribed, individual recommendations are offered. It is important to understand that any problem in the functioning of the body will affect the deterioration of health, appearance, and a decrease in immunity. Internal bacteria regulate processes, if the work of beneficial microflora is suppressed, slags form on the walls, and the stool is disturbed.

What factors serve as provocateurs

A person does not get sick without a cause that affects the state of the body. Many adverse properties provoke a change in the well-being of a patient who seeks help from medicine. It is the duty of the specialist to find these influences, to restore the functioning of the intestines, to investigate how many violations have occurred over a certain period. This is the basis for the definition of the disease, its degree and rational possibilities of cure.

A healthy microflora in the intestines consists of the following components:

  • useful Escherichia coli;
  • lactobacilli;
  • bifidobacteria.

From their decrease, dysbacteriosis occurs.

The main factors are:

  1. Incorrectly formulated nutritional diet. From frequent starvation, subsequent overeating, the processes of the digestive tract, established by nature, are disrupted. The result is irregular stools, constipation or diarrhea.
  2. Inclusion in the menu of products harmful to the body. The activity of healthy microorganisms destroys the use of sausages, sausages, ham, sweet carbonated drinks. When the vital activity of beneficial substances is suppressed, pathogenic bacteria are fed.
  3. Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity.
  4. The disease may be the result of poisoning after an acute intestinal infection, impaired secretory activity.
  5. Microbial imbalance arises from the excessive use of aggressive antibacterial, hormonal agents.
  6. Antibiotics used without a doctor's prescription, ignoring the treatment regimen.
  7. From poor-quality drinking water, an unfavorable environment, the microflora balance is destroyed.
  8. Alcohol, stress, irregular sleep affect the ratio between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms.

Establishing the main factor that influenced the work of the intestine, excluding it from the patient's life, will help prescribe the correct treatment, not necessarily with medications, it is enough to change the food, the frequency of their use.

Normalize well-being:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • refusal of sweets;
  • decrease in the diet of bread;
  • a decrease in food products with alcoholic, caffeine substances.

Many desires, needs will have to be limited, others to say goodbye altogether, as the body warns itself, with its unusual manifestation in the form of loose stools or long delays.

What are the symptoms of imbalance?

Recovery of bowel function begins after the appearance of problems:

  • instability of the chair, passing from one extreme to another;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • swelling in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, fatigue, migraine;
  • hair, skin, nail cover changes its state;
  • mood changes.

The presence of one of the signs is the reason for therapeutic intervention, the study of used products in the daily menu, the inclusion in the diet of substances with a positive effect on the intestines.

Effective ways to restore health

The main factors influencing a person's health is his food, it serves as the main energy tool, with its help, normal well-being can also be destroyed.

It should be understood that the use of various teas, juices, coffee is all food. Establishing proper work in the intestines, speeding up digestive processes helps simple clean water and at least 2 liters per day, and if you add a few lemon drops to a glass in the morning, not only your mood will rise, but also the taste of the liquid you drink.

But nutritionists do not advise drinking breakfast with water, it is better to drink vegetable or fruit juices. The restoration of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract comes from the consumption of products, which contain vegetable fiber. It is able to effectively prevent the formation of slag, removing them from the body, like a sponge absorbs harmful bacteria.

A large number contain:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • nuts.

People suffering from constipation do not need to interrupt their appetite with an occasional snack, eat a sandwich with sausage on the run. Some people get rid of troubles with a large amount of food, and at the time of failure in the nervous system, the intestines also reduce their working pace, there is a dense accumulation of excrement inside, which is very difficult to remove if the problem is not destroyed in time.

You need to exclude the following points from your behavior:

  • you can not restrain the urge, put off the moment to go to the toilet, so as not to form fecal blockages;
  • it is harmful when visiting a plumbing room to do things there for other purposes, reading, telephone conversations, distracting the body from its functions;
  • you need to accustom yourself to regular visits to the toilet, at one time, after the stool is adjusted, constipation will disappear.

The best means to eliminate failures are preventive measures not only in the organization of proper nutrition, but also in the implementation of an active lifestyle, exercise, and massage procedures.

Popular recipes for improving intestinal microflora

Herbal infusions will help to get rid of pain in the abdomen with the restoration of beneficial microorganisms.

If you cook 2 tablespoons:

  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • flax-seed.

The ingredients are mixed in a small container, boiling water is added in the amount of half a liter, insisted for an hour. After the time has elapsed, the infusion is filtered and taken 100 gr. before meals.

A good remedy is the root of the burnet. It is crushed in an amount of 300 g, poured with water in the same size, boiled for 15 minutes. For a whole month, with the help of this remedy, the state of useful microelements is restored, you should drink 2 tbsp every two hours. decoction.

It is possible to get rid of bloating in the abdomen, increased gas content associated with clinical disorders in the intestines with herbs:

  • eucalyptus - 5 tablespoons;
  • peppermint -3 tbsp;
  • dill seeds - 1 tbsp.

The components are mixed and poured with a liter of boiling water, the dishes are tightly closed, insisted for an hour, filtered and drunk a glass before eating.

Infusions of elecampane are useful, which do not need to be boiled. Chopped root in the amount of 25 gr. placed in cold water (250 gr.) overnight. Then filter, apply before breakfast, 50 gr.

Plantain with calamus root also has a beneficial effect on the organization of the correct functionality of substances in the intestines.

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor, after an examination, when other methods do not help. The use of plant substances is mainly used by people with a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, they are characterized by disorders in the intestines, the occurrence of constipation.
