How to restore the stomach after gastritis

The number of people suffering from various gastric diseases is growing every year. The reason for this may be bad habits, the use of low-quality food, excessive physical activity, stress.

One of the most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is gastritis, a particularly dangerous form of which is considered to be atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

With atrophic gastritis, urgent measures must be taken to restore the mucosa, otherwise the disease can lead to the development of oncology.

Causes and symptoms of gastritis

Gastritis is manifested by inflammatory and degenerative changes in the gastric mucosa. The cause of the destruction of the epithelium is most often the microbe Helicobacter pylori. Once on the walls of the stomach, this bacterium releases substances that cause inflammation

Factors that provoke the appearance of the disease can be:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • uncontrolled intake of drugs; stress, bad environment;
  • concomitant diseases that caused the failure of the immune system.

Very often, the cause of gastritis may be non-compliance with the culture of nutrition. Eating in a hurry, "in dry food", frequent consumption of spicy foods leads to damage to the gastric mucosa.

In the chronic form, exacerbations are replaced by attenuation of the disease.

During an exacerbation, the patient is concerned about:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • belching, nausea;
  • vomiting in the morning;
  • dizziness, weakness, migraine.

At the time of remission, the signs of pathology are not so pronounced and appear most often in the form of an irregular stool, characterized by alternating diarrhea and constipation, rumbling in the abdomen, and flatulence.

Atrophic gastritis can not always be recognized immediately, since at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the manifestation of symptoms is not obvious.

Atrophy of the mucosa is accompanied by a violation of the level of acidity. Therefore, when prescribing treatment, the doctor prescribes drugs that control the production of acid.

Symptoms of the disease are removed quite quickly with medications used in combination with a diet. However, the restoration of the gastric mucosa in atrophic gastritis is a long and difficult process.

Only a thorough diagnosis will determine the severity of the development of pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

Diagnosis of gastritis

To establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist. After a visual examination of the patient and oral questioning, the patient is sent for examination.

Diagnosis of gastritis is carried out using the following procedures:

  • blood tests, urine, feces;
  • endoscopy - examination of internal organs by introducing special equipment into the stomach cavity;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • laboratory study of gastric juice to determine the level of acidity.

The presence of the Helicobacter pylori virus is detected by bacteriological examination.

Comprehensive diagnostics is necessary to obtain a holistic picture and develop an individual treatment program that helps restore the normal functioning of the stomach after gastritis.

Methods of medical therapy

After carrying out all diagnostic measures and determining the exact diagnosis, the doctor decides on the necessary treatment. Features of gastritis therapy depend on the cause and stage of the disease.

Since atrophic gastritis is characterized by the destruction of the mucous layer of the stomach, an early visit to a specialist will facilitate and accelerate the process of regeneration of the epithelium.

For the treatment of pathology, conservative methods are used, including:

  • drug treatment;
  • diet
  • folk remedies.

If the cause of gastritis is malnutrition, medication, or the abuse of bad habits, then by eliminating irritants, the mucosa can be restored quickly enough.

If atrophic gastritis is caused by internal factors (helicobacter bacterium, concomitant diseases), then the treatment will be long.

Drug therapy

Treatment of atrophic gastritis is carried out with the help of medications that help eliminate factors that provoke the development or exacerbation of the pathology.

To restore the gastric mucosa with gastritis, the following are prescribed:

  1. Lansoprazole - to suppress the growth of Helicobacter pylori, reduce the level of acidity.
  2. Cytotec - regenerates damaged cells of the stomach lining, stimulates blood flow to the mucous membrane
  3. Misoprostol is a synthetic anti-ulcer drug. Reduces the release of hydrochloric acid, regulates the production of gastric juice.
  4. Omeprosaol - promotes the restoration of the mucosa, suppresses gastric secretion, is used with an increased level of acidity
  5. Lactobacterin, Bifiform - contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, normalization of metabolism
  6. Cymed - compensates for the deficiency of copper, zinc, due to which inflammation is relieved
  7. Regesol is a dietary supplement consisting of natural ingredients. It contains a rich vitamin composition, has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect
  8. Venter - forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa to prevent the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid.
  9. Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy that regenerates damaged areas of the mucosa

Since food is poorly digested with gastritis, the body experiences vitamin hunger. Therefore, vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants are additionally prescribed.

Attention! When taking medications, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, observing the dosage, so as not to cause complications and not provoke the development of ulcerative erosive pathology.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to combine the intake of medications with proper nutrition. You should also give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.

How to treat atrophic gastritis can be found by watching this video:

Diet food

Without a balanced diet, it is impossible to achieve a favorable result in the treatment of gastritis. Therefore, it is necessary to remove from the daily menu products that are irritants for the gastric mucosa: fatty, fried, smoked, salty, spicy, sour foods, marinades, various spices, fresh pastries.

Nutritionists recommend the following foods:

  • lean meats and fish: rabbit, chicken, turkey, cod, flounder, hake, pollock;
  • boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin);
  • cereals: semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • dried bread;
  • still mineral water, compotes, rosehip infusion, fruit jelly.

With increased secretion, it is allowed to include low-fat milk and dairy products in the diet.

With a low level of acidity, the use of milk and milk soups is excluded, but the use of fermented milk products is allowed. In addition, to increase secretion, it is recommended to eat apricots, stewed cabbage, grated cucumbers, and drink carrot juice.

Important! In order not to irritate the mucous membrane, you should carefully chew food.

There should be 4-5 times a day in small crushed portions. All dishes should be prepared boiled, baked, stewed or steamed. Do not eat food hot or cold, only warm.

Compliance with the diet in conjunction with drug therapy will quickly achieve a positive effect.


Restoration of the epithelial tissue of the stomach is also possible with the use of folk remedies.

The most effective drugs that help with gastritis:

  1. Herbal tea made from plantain leaves, wild rose, mint, St. John's wort, immortelle. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and brewed like tea. After cooling, the mixture is filtered, diluted with water and taken three times a day before meals.
  2. Juices from carrots, potatoes.
  3. Kissel from flaxseed. For cooking, you need 3 tbsp. seed, 1 liter of boiling water. The seed is poured into a mixer, filled with water and whipped for about 10 minutes. At the end of the process, chicory is added. You need to drink jelly in a warm form 30 minutes before a meal. You can add some honey.
  4. With reduced secretion, parsley root infusion, cabbage juice and plantain help well.

Since it is not always possible to restore the stomach after gastritis quickly, treatment can take one and a half to two months. Therefore, after one to two weeks it is advisable to change the drug in order to avoid addiction of the body. It is necessary to take folk remedies only after consulting with your doctor.

Atrophic gastritis is a serious disease, so it is necessary to take its treatment with all responsibility.

To quickly cope with this disease, you should normalize your lifestyle, eliminating heavy physical exertion, stress, and bad habits.

Strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations will allow you to quickly restore shaken health.
