Diet after removal of a polyp in the stomach

Polyps in the stomach are benign tumor-like growths on the mucous membrane of the organ, which, with prolonged existence in the human body, can lead to malignant degeneration. Polyps are resected, the removed tissues are examined and searched for cancer cells in them.

Diet after removal of a polyp in the stomach is a prerequisite for restoring the quality of the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system and the whole body after the procedures and operations.

First days after surgery

Diet plays an important role in the restoration of the body and in the healing of the mucosa. After the removal of polyps, a wound remains on the gastric mucosa and, in order not to injure it, on the first day after the operation, the patient is prescribed a complete starvation diet, but with a sufficient amount of fluid, calculated from body weight.  

On the second day, the diet after removal of the stomach polyp by endoscopic method allows the patient to drink a glass of warm tea with sugar, drinking a glass of a teaspoon every 15 minutes, also 50 ml of rosehip broth.

On the third day after the operation, if there is no pain, swelling, for rehabilitation and successful recovery, the patient is prescribed diet No. 1A, with a reduced energy value due to the reduction of carbohydrates, proteins and fats by several times.

Diet No. 1A

The first week or ten days, depending on the rate of recovery of the body, the patient eats liquid, pureed food from easily digestible, light foods. Any dairy products are excluded from the diet in order to avoid fermentation processes in the body. The types of products that stimulate secretion and irritate the walls of the stomach are also prohibited. The salt consumed is reduced to a minimum, it is desirable to completely exclude it from the diet so as not to harm healing wounds.

In the first days after the operation, the patient actively loses fluid, so there is a need for constant replenishment. The water regime is from 2 to 2.5 liters of water. If the patient develops a fever or characteristic symptoms of intoxication, then the daily rate of pure water is increased by 1 liter.

It is especially important to pay attention to the water regime, drinking not below the established norms. Also, tea, juice, compote, water with fruit additives, syrups, and so on are not considered water. Diet after surgery to remove a polyp in the stomach strictly prohibits acidic juices and water with lemon, tea with lemon. Only pure, distilled water.

Diet No. 1B

After 7-10 days after the operation, to enable the regeneration of the mucosa of the operated patient, the patient is transferred to the diet of group 1B, according to Pevzner. It is just as strict, it has restrictions on carbohydrates and on the content of proteins and fats in selected products and ready meals, but is already closer to the norm. Vegetable soups and mashed potatoes are prepared for the patient.

The main principle of nutrition on this diet is the mechanical use of products, low temperature and with a sparing chemical composition. The diet after removal of the polyp from the stomach and esophagus must comply with the main requirements of diet No. 1 according to Pevzner. From its norms it follows that for the successful recovery of the patient, the food for the next few weeks of the patient should be:

  1. Approximately 36-37 degrees, so that it is pleasant to eat, while not damaging the delicate walls of the operated stomach.
  2. The patient's food should have a liquid, semi-liquid tender texture, should resemble an ideal, tender puree.
  3. Boiling, stewing, steaming and baking in the oven can be used as methods of preparing food for the patient. When baking vegetables and meat, it is advisable to use foil, sleeves, cooking in pots. When baking a dish on a baking sheet, remove a hard crust from it.
  4. The number of meals per day should be at least 5-6 times to start the digestive tract and metabolism.
  5. The intervals between meals should not exceed 3 hours, the patient should not feel hungry, as the body produces hydrochloric acid during it. Increased acidity destroys polyps, which can lead to hyperplasia of the tender mucosa.
  6. Portions are significantly reduced from the usual. In the first days after the operation, each dish is eaten in 1-2 tablespoons. Active and frequent overeating leads to an expansion of the stomach, which is unacceptable during the period of nutrition after the removal of a polyp in the stomach, there is a risk of harming wounds and worsening the process of assimilation of products.
  7. On a diet, be sure to follow the water regime, for a speedy recovery, it is recommended to drink water a little cold or at room temperature without ice and additives, in small sips in between meals.

List of allowed products

Nutrition on a diet after surgery on the stomach and gastrointestinal tract is very strict, however, the patient's diet must contain all the useful elements, nutrients, vitamins and minerals. In this case, the daily calorie intake should not exceed 3000 kcal. The list of prohibitions on the diet is huge, but this does not mean that the patient will have nothing to eat. In the list of allowed, he will definitely find a product to his liking. What to eat after removal of polyps in the stomach?

  • Well boiled cereals - buckwheat, rice, semolina.
  • Lean meats - veal, poultry and rabbit.
  • Low-fat sea fish: hake, pollock, baked or boiled.
  • Eating soups is not only possible, but also necessary, in low-fat or vegetable broth.
  • At the second stage of the recovery diet, you can start eating low-calorie cottage cheese and drinking kefir.
  • A day on a diet is allowed to eat no more than 30 g of butter.
  • Soft-boiled eggs or steamed scrambled eggs.
  • Galette cookies.
  • Weak tea, rosehip decoction, homemade jelly.
  • Jelly and muses.
  • It is recommended to limit the use, but still not prohibited: honey, sugar, jam and marshmallows.

Diet duration

The duration of the diet after the operation does not have a specific time frame, it is removed by the doctor after examining the patient for complications, a survey on general well-being. If your doctor confirms that your polyp wounds have healed successfully, you can gradually introduce your favorite foods into your diet.

Honest adherence to the prescribed diet is the prevention of relapse. The main task of the diet in the postoperative period is to reduce the load on the processes of digestion in the digestive tract.

Diet No. 1 necessarily includes a sufficient amount of protein to replace the blood lost during the operation.

To eliminate metabolic acidosis, new foods are added to the menu gradually, in small portions without additives and preservatives.

fruits for diet

Fruits are fast carbohydrates, and they are also an excellent puree. Banana, peeled pears, apples, boiled or from compote, persimmons, cherries, strawberries and avocados are best suited for a sick person.

Fruits and berries can also be added in small portions to cottage cheese, kefir in order to diversify the patient's taste of familiar dishes.

Prohibited Products

On a diet you can not:

  • Sausage, sausages, smoked;
  • Pork, duck, lamb;
  • Canned food in oil;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Oily fish;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Confectionery;
  • Alcohol and soda;
  • Sour dishes - cabbage soup, okroshka;
  • Flour - pies, pies, buns.

In addition, the menu has a huge list of prohibited vegetables. So on a diet you can not eat vegetables containing coarse fiber, these are radishes, turnips, horseradish and garlic, onions, sour sorrel and white cabbage.

Menu for one day

To make it easier to imagine the patient's diet, here is an example of a diet after removing a stomach polyp for 1 day:

  • For breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, jelly or tea, sandwich with butter, following the norms, casserole without sugar, you can stevia or honey.
  • Snack: Baked apple with a spoonful of honey, no vanilla or cinnamon.
  • Lunch: Rice soup with vegetable broth, boiled chicken fillet and mashed potatoes, rose hips.
  • Second snack: a glass of milk and a wheat bread crouton.
  • Dinner: fish meatball with porridge, tea.

Following the prescribed diet, the patient will quickly get on his feet, launching his stomach, gastrointestinal tract, and metabolism into full-fledged work. Polyps in the stomach are removed easily, but require a long and rigorous rehabilitation. From the permitted products, you can make a simple and very tasty menu. The main thing is not to cross the line of permitted products and honestly observe the water balance after the operation. In case of discomfort in the stomach area, contact your doctor immediately.
