How to restore the intestinal microflora

Dysbacteriosis is not a dangerous phenomenon, but it does not appear by itself. It is caused by the presence in the human body of another more dangerous disease. Now pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that help restore the intestinal microflora. But first you need to establish the cause that led to the imbalance in the intestinal microflora. About what dysbacteriosis is, how it manifests itself, and how to restore the intestinal microflora - we will tell further.

What is the intestinal microflora

There are many different living microorganisms in our body. They are responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to scientists, living microorganisms make up the intestinal microflora. They believe that there are more than 500 different living microorganisms in our intestines. Some of them have already been studied by doctors, and some have not.

How does dysbacteriosis manifest itself?

In a normal state, only 1% of a bacterium that enters the human body is pathogenic. It could be:

  • yeast-like fungus;
  • clostridia;
  • staphylococcus.

The other 99% of bacteria are:

  • lactobacilli;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • enterococci;
  • aerobes;
  • coli.

Moreover, if E. coli penetrates into another organ, not into the intestines, then it is already considered pathogenic, and causes significant harm to the entire body.

At the same time, it is 1 pathogenic cell that can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria, upset the balance and lead to the formation of dysbacteriosis.

Why does dysbacteriosis occur?

This disease can appear for various reasons. It is usually called:

  • transferred operation. Moreover, it is done precisely on the organs included in the digestive tract;
  • long-term use of laxatives and hormonal medications. And it is also caused by the intake of cytostatic drugs, which are often treated by a patient with oncology;
  • acclimatization and violation of the usual biorhythm;
  • frequent consumption of too sweet and fatty foods;
  • a heavy diet where a person has to consume one product for a long time;
  • long fasting;
  • a sharp weakening of the immune system;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • mental disorder;
  • prolonged depression;
  • frequent stress;
  • living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • physical fatigue;
  • smoking, frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
  • frequent use of cleansing enemas and other techniques;
  • congenital anomaly of the intestine;
  • the presence of helminths in the body.

Remember: if a person is prone to these factors, then he should seek help from a doctor.

You should not treat the disease yourself. This can lead to an exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms and a deterioration in the overall health of the patient.

The main signs of the disease

With dysbacteriosis, the patient usually has the following unpleasant symptoms. Him:

  • increased fatigue;
  • appetite decreases sharply;
  • increased gas formation, sweating;
  • nausea appears;
  • often have bad breath, a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • frequent diarrhea, constipation. These ailments may appear together or separately;
  • often there are pains in the abdominal cavity;
  • often there is an eructation, heartburn;
  • itches and burns in the anus;
  • the first signs of beriberi appear: nails break, hair falls out, lips crack, dries the skin a lot;
  • food allergies, skin rashes appear;
  • headache often;
  • body temperature often rises.

Remember: these symptoms may not appear. Each person is individual, and each person has dysbacteriosis manifested by its typical symptoms.

Many patients who have been suffering from dysbacteriosis for a long time note that they are only tormented by constipation and diarrhea. They have no other symptoms.

Therefore, to find out whether a person really has dysbacteriosis, and how to restore the microflora in the intestine after it, is possible only from a physician.


If a person is tormented by dysbacteriosis, then he should pass the necessary tests. Initially, he needs to pass feces for analysis to the laboratory. Only an experienced specialist with the necessary equipment will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

And he should go for a consultation with an experienced specialist. A gastroenterologist will help him cure dysbacteriosis.

Remember: it will take a long time to treat the disease. In severe cases, bowel recovery takes 2-3 months.

How to get rid of dysbacteriosis

Remember: the sooner the patient turns to a specialist, the sooner he can get rid of the disease.

Dysbacteriosis requires complex treatment. The patient needs:

  • take medications, probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics, special enzymes;
  • adjust your diet;
  • pay attention to traditional medicine;
  • cleanse your intestines.

Now let's talk about treatment in more detail.

We use medicines

Medications for dysbacteriosis are very important. They:

  • help to understand how the intestinal microflora is restored;
  • restore immunity;
  • eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Moreover, medicines from different groups are used, which have different effects on the body.

Usually people with dysbacteriosis are prescribed:

  • Bacteriophages. These medicines contain special viruses that penetrate the bacterial cell and dissolve it.
  • antibiotic medicines. These drugs are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to this active substance.
  • Intestinal antiseptic drugs. These include: Nifuroxazide, Ciprofloxacin, Furazolidone.
  • Immunomodulators. It is used here: "Echinacea", "Dibazol".
  • Multivitamin complexes. Usually used "Multitabs", "Dekamevit".
  • Probiotics, prebiotics;
  • Antiseptic preparations of plant origin. Here it is assigned: "Chlorophyllipt".

Remember: only a physician can choose a medication and its form of release. In some cases, the form of release depends on whether the drug is useful to the patient or not.

We use probiotics and prebiotics

These medicines are also very useful for people who are wondering how to restore the intestinal microflora after poisoning. Such medicines:

  • restore normal bowel function;
  • create favorable conditions for the normalization of intestinal microflora.

Probiotics are useful because they contain live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, yeast, lactic acid bacteria.

And also they:

  • strengthen the intestinal mucosa;
  • create a barrier to pathogenic bacteria that have penetrated into the body;
  • stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevent the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the walls of the intestine;
  • improve immunity;
  • increase the resistance of antibodies to viruses;
  • accelerate the production of vitamin B, which is responsible for normal metabolism;
  • help to destroy toxic substances that pathogenic microorganisms secrete.

Remember: probiotics should not be used by the elderly, because. they inhibit the activity of some important drugs.

Prebiotics are organic carbohydrates. They promote the growth and development of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics include dietary fiber, lactose, insulin, lactulose, and fructosaccharides.

These medications help:

  • increase acidity;
  • reduce the activity of the spread of pathogenic bacteria;
  • neutralize the harmful effects of antibiotic substances;
  • increase the amount of feces;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • reduce the amount of cortisol in the blood;
  • eliminate bloating and gas formation;
  • reduce appetite;
  • block the formation of malignant tumors in the large intestine;
  • remove toxins, salts of heavy metals, other toxic substances;
  • accelerate the removal of mucus from the walls of the stomach;
  • improve acid-base balance.

As prebiotics, the patient is prescribed:

  • "Lactusan".
  • "Duphalac".
  • "Lizalak".
  • Syrup "Pikovit".
  • "Direzen".
  • "Proslabin".
  • "Hilak Forte".
  • Lactofiltrum.
  • "Good luck".

If the patient needs to quickly restore the intestines, then he is prescribed symbiotics. These medications include both prebiotics and probiotics. And the effect of their use lasts a very long time.

And these medicines also help:

  • produce folic acid, vitamin K, pyrodoxine, niacin;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • activate immunity;
  • protect against carcinogens, toxic substances, radioactive radiation, the harmful effects of antibiotic substances;
  • restore intestinal motility;
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria;
  • restore the balance in the intestinal microflora.

As symbiotics, the patient is prescribed:

  • "Bacteriobalance".
  • Symbiolact.
  • "Bifidin".
  • Lineks.
  • "Polybacterin".
  • "Trilakt".
  • "Bifiform".

How enzymes help get rid of dysbacteriosis

Enzymes also help to understand how to restore the intestines. Moreover, enzymes of both plant and animal origin are used. Animal enzymes are more efficient because they are similar to the enzymes found in the human body.

Commonly used:

  • "Pancreatin".
  • "Festal".
  • Creon.
  • "Mezim".

How to eat with dysbacteriosis

If the patient treats dysbacteriosis only with medicines, but eats the wrong food, then the restoration of the intestinal flora can take a long time.

First of all, he needs to adjust his diet.

He needs:

  • do not overeat at night;
  • do not eat food on the go;
  • completely abandon fatty, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages.

The patient's diet must necessarily include dishes with bifidus - and lactobacilli, fiber, proteins.

In this case, the patient should eat fractionally, do it at the same time.

Remember: people with dysbacteriosis do not eat sugar.

It is better to replace it with honey. And a doctor will help you learn more about how to restore the intestinal flora to an elderly citizen.

Thus, a patient with dysbacteriosis should:

  • there are vegetable purees, boiled cereals. It is desirable to cook it on water;
  • drink fermented milk drinks, freshly squeezed fruit juices, herbal tea, still mineral water;  
  • eat low-fat fish, steamed meat, fresh herbs.

But the patient will have to completely abandon:

  • garlic, radish, onion;
  • hot seasonings, various spices;
  • homemade pickles;
  • confectionery, home baking;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned food, smoked meats;
  • whole milk, ice cream;
  • cooking oils, mayonnaise.

We get rid of the disease with the help of traditional medicine

The restoration of the intestinal flora also occurs with the help of traditional medicine.

But remember: traditional medicine cannot completely replace traditional treatment.

Therefore, it is worth asking the doctor in advance about how to restore intestinal motility, using traditional medicine.

According to patients, the disease can be eliminated with the help of:

  • propolis, honey, kombucha. These substances are used as antiseptics;
  • herbal collections. Usually they include mint, chamomile, lemon balm, raspberry, blackcurrant, strawberry, eucalyptus, senna;
  • decoction of alder cones, serpentine root;
  • collection based on chamomile, bird cherry, cumin, blueberries;
  • ground sunflower seeds, pumpkin, walnut kernels;
  • garlic tincture on kefir, sour milk;
  • compote with cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries;
  • infusion of chamomile, calendula, yarrow;
  • pomegranate peels, decoction of oak bark, bird cherry berries. They have an astringent effect, and relieve prolonged diarrhea.

Cleansing the colon together

All drugs taken by a patient with dysbacteriosis have a negative effect on pathogenic cells. These cells die, but they do not completely leave the body. And the patient needs to get rid of them.

You can cleanse your intestines with:

  • special enemas;
  • herbal infusions;
  • activated carbon;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • food that contains a lot of fiber;
  • baking soda;
  • yogurt, kefir;
  • castor oil;
  • mineral water without gas.

Possible consequences

If a patient has been tormented by dysbacteriosis for a long time, and he does not try to find out how the disease is cured and the intestinal microflora is restored, then the following dangerous consequences may appear.

This behavior can lead to:

  • eczema;
  • persistent, severe allergies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • systematic painful constipation;
  • progressive sclerosis;
  • arthritis
  • benign and malignant tumors. This is especially dangerous for the elderly;
  • seborrhea, alopecia, acne;
  • anemia, dyspepsia;
  • rickets-like conditions, because with dysbacteriosis, the body poorly absorbs vitamin D, iron, calcium;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • diabetes mellitus.

How to avoid dysbacteriosis

It is easy to restore the intestinal flora, but it is even easier to prevent its destruction. The main thing is to follow the following simple rules. Each person must:

  • take breaks. Especially if his job is sedentary;
  • walk for at least 30 minutes a day;
  • carry out systematic hardening;
  • every day there are berries, fruits, fresh vegetables. But you can eat them if there are no exacerbations in the intestines;
  • eat vegetable fats, boiled meat, fish, drink fermented milk products;
  • regularly drink probiotics, prebiotics, symbiotics;
  • avoid stressful situations, overexertion.

To summarize: dysbacteriosis is a disease that you can get rid of. It is important for a patient who feels unpleasant symptoms to immediately seek help from a physician. Only in this way can he quickly get rid of the disease. And it is also desirable for him to switch to proper nutrition, adhere to a healthy lifestyle. And then this disease will never appear in him.
