Recovery after poisoning

Poisoning is the most common pathological condition that the human body encounters, regardless of the circumstances. Poisoning can be the result of an infectious lesion of the body or have a food character. In any case, the pathogenetic path of development of pathological conditions in tissues is the same - poisoning leads to intoxication of the body.

Restoring the normal physiological functioning of all organs and systems after poisoning can take from several hours to weeks and even months. This parameter is very individual and depends on a large number of external and internal factors. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to recover from poisoning.

Types of poisoning

In order to understand what to do after poisoning and effectively deal with it, you first need to understand the type of poisoning. Depending on the type of poisoning, some emergency medical measures will depend. Among the most common variants of poisoning, food poisoning or food poisoning can be distinguished. This form of poisoning is the most common and occurs when food products are massively contaminated with bacteria and their toxins. Let's take a closer look at the question of what degrees of poisoning are and how to recover from food poisoning.

Degrees of poisoning

Different toxic agents that have entered the human body cause varying degrees of poisoning, among which are:

  • Acute intoxication - a condition in which a toxic substance entered the body of the victim once, or its effect had a short-term effect;
  • Subacute intoxication - differs from acute in a less pronounced clinical picture, since the toxic agent entered the body either in smaller quantities, for example, in portions.
  • Hyperacute intoxication is a severe damage to the body. The main criterion is toxic damage to the central nervous system with the development of convulsive syndrome.
  • Chronic intoxication - is manifested by an erased, non-specific clinic as a result of prolonged exposure to the toxin on the body.

Depending on the intensity and dynamics of the development of poisoning, treatment tactics are largely built. Treatment after food poisoning depends on which organs have been exposed to the toxins.

What happens to the body when poisoned

As a result of intoxication, most of the metabolic processes occurring in absolutely all tissues and cells of the body are disrupted. This leads to a decrease in tissue activity and disturbances in the functioning of various organs.

Dyspeptic phenomena

In the acute phase of poisoning, the body makes independent attempts to cleanse itself of the toxic agent. In the central nervous system, the vomiting center is re-irritated, which leads to severe nausea and vomiting. Vomiting brings relief to the victim, mainly due to the evacuation of the remnants of toxic substances that are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the systemic circulation. In addition to vomiting, a poisoned person often has other dyspeptic disorders, such as diarrhea. Loose stools can be observed up to 4-6 times a day and, like vomiting, has the main goal of removing toxic substances from the body.


The consequence of such disorders of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion is acute dehydration, i.e. a state in which the body is in a dehydrated state. Due to such cleansing, the body not only removes toxic agents, but also loses large volumes of fluid, which is also necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism.


Often, when poisoning, the body temperature rises. This symptom has a different degree of severity and depends on the individual characteristics of the functioning of the immune system and the thermoregulation center. Usually, an increase in body temperature occurs to subfebrile and febrile values, i.e. up to 38 degrees.

Imbalance of intestinal microflora

Always with acute intestinal poisoning, the death of the intestinal microflora occurs. A decrease in the number of lactobacilli leads to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis, which only worsens the condition resulting from poisoning. Dysbacteriosis may not have pronounced manifestations, but if conditionally pathogenic microorganisms enter the gastrointestinal tract, the latter can lead to damage to the intestinal epithelium and the development of serious infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Damage to organs and systems

When a toxic substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, active absorption of toxic substances begins already at the level of the stomach. Toxins enter the systemic circulation and dissolve in the blood plasma, which allows them to penetrate into any tissues and organs. Depending on the toxic effect, certain organs will be affected. For example, with the neurotoxic action of the toxin, the peripheral and central nervous system will take the main blow, which will lead to severe neurological failure.

Almost always, in case of poisoning, damage to the liver tissue, the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system occurs first.

Liver damage

Most toxic substances have a pronounced hepatotoxic effect, which leads to damage to the liver parenchyma. Since any toxin that enters the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. It inevitably passes through hepatocytes, i.e. hepatic tissue. The liver is a kind of block on the way of penetration of toxins into the systemic circulation; it is not for nothing that this organ has pronounced detoxifying properties. Due to complex biochemical processes and a huge number of enzyme systems, the liver binds a huge amount of toxic compounds, but it cannot cope alone. It is for this reason that at high concentrations of toxic substances, a general poisoning of the body occurs. At high concentrations of toxic substances, the functional activity of the liver is significantly weakened, which leads to congestion in the liver and its increase.

Damage to the cardiovascular system

One of the first tissues encountered with toxic substances is the endothelial lining of blood vessels. Some toxins have a selective effect on the endothelial layer of the vascular wall. As a result of the toxic action, endothelial dysfunction develops, which is manifested by increased bleeding, the development of hematomas and petechiae. The next organ is affected by the heart, which leads to an increase in heart rate and a violation of its metabolic function.

How to quickly and effectively recover from poisoning

Recovery of the body after poisoning is an important and responsible process. From the above information it follows that intoxication is not always a harmless component of poisoning. As a result of poisoning, there is a decrease in activity or damage to a large number of various tissues and organs. Treatment after food poisoning must be comprehensive! To effectively combat poisoning, it is necessary to support all organs involved in poisoning. So how do you recover from poisoning?

Fighting dehydration

The most important component of therapy for poisoning is the elimination of dehydration of the body. What to take to restore the water-salt balance after poisoning? To do this, replenish the water-electrolyte composition of the victim's body. The best and fastest way would be to carry out infusions of isotonic water-salt solution, most of all it is a mixture of sodium and chlorine. The amount of replenishment will depend on the degree of dehydration. In most cases, the introduction of 1.5 - 2 liters of isotonic sodium and chlorine will be sufficient to eliminate the dehydration associated with intoxication.

How to recover from food poisoning if you do not have the necessary drugs at hand? In the absence of the possibility of intravenous infusion, you can resort to the usual plentiful drink. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 liters of clean water. Together with water, you can drink 5-7 tablets of activated charcoal, which will help to better absorb and bind the remnants of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.

Maintenance of the cardiovascular and nervous system

To protect the walls of blood vessels, the heart and the central nervous system from the undesirable effects of toxins, a complex of B vitamins can be added to the system with saline solution. Vitamins: Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Cyanocobalamin, Folic acid actively protect blood vessels and nervous tissue, and also help bind active components dissolved in blood plasma.

Protecting the liver and restoring the intestinal microflora

What to take in case of food poisoning? During the period of poisoning, it is imperative to protect the victim's liver; for this, drugs from the group of hepatoprotectors are used. Such drugs can be of both plant and synthetic origin, such as Gepabene or Heptral.

To restore the microflora, it is recommended to drink a course of pro- and prebiotics, which normalize the intestinal microflora.

  • Probiotics: Linex or Bificol;
  • Prebiotics: Hilak Forte.


How to restore the body and strength after poisoning? Proper and balanced nutrition during the period of intoxication of the body, if not the most important, then at least one of the main components of the successful and rapid elimination of poisoning. In case of poisoning, the body suffers significant energy losses. A large amount of the body's resources is spent on the independent elimination of toxic manifestations, which leads to its depletion. It is in order to eliminate the energy deficit, replenish and maintain the body's immune system that the victim needs food with sufficient calories, as well as balanced and fractional. Recovery of the stomach after poisoning is an important component of treatment; in the early period after poisoning, it is best to consume liquid and semi-liquid food with enveloping properties. You should not use such heavy protein foods as eggs, mushrooms, canned food and offal in the early period, the liver was already subjected to serious stress during intoxication. Particular attention must be paid to cooking, as food should not be fatty and spicy. Boiled dishes are best. It is important to note that nutrition should be fractional with breaks between meals of no more than 3 hours, and the restoration of the stomach after poisoning with the help of tablets is less effective than proper nutrition.

Recovery of the body after poisoning can take from several hours to several weeks and even months. The rate of recovery of the body will depend not only on the nature of toxic damage to organs, but also on the correct treatment after poisoning, as well as on the reactivity of the victim's body.

How to recover from poisoning - video
