Rehabilitation after replacement of the aortic valve on the heart

Previously, heart valve replacement surgery was one of the rarest and most serious. Its implementation was carried out only in the most extreme cases. Today, this surgical intervention is performed regularly, and at the same time gives positive results. Recovery after such an operation takes a fairly short period of time, during which you need to follow the simple recommendations of the doctor.

Indications for the operation

The valves of the heart ensure the correct direction of blood flow in the human body. Their job is to alternately close and open during heart contractions, as a result of which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles, from where it passes towards the aorta and pulmonary trunk. In the event that the valve is destroyed, then it is simply impossible to ensure normal blood flow. The result of inaction in this case may be the occurrence of acute heart failure, which in turn is a clear threat to human life.

Heart valve replacement is required if:

  • infectious lesion;
  • the presence of a birth defect;
  • fibrosis;
  • calcification;
  • lack of the required density of the valve;
  • lack of access for the procedure for dissecting adhesions;
  • valve pathology.

Absolute contraindications for this operation include moderate heart failure in a patient in an average form, deformation of several valves at once, and the presence of infective endocarditis and rheumatism, expressed in severe form at the stage of exacerbation.

Early rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after surgery in this case is due precisely to surgical intervention, that is, opening the chest and making changes to the structure of the organ. During the operation, the human heart is turned off, and to ensure the vital activity of the body, it is connected to a special apparatus that creates artificial blood flow.

The first day after the operation, the patient is in the intensive care unit, after which he is transferred to the inpatient ward. A tube is installed in the lungs through which fluid is pumped out of the lungs. After the end of the anesthesia, if necessary, a person can be injected with painkillers.

It is allowed to get up on your feet no earlier than two days later. And in the absence of complications after 5 days, the patient can be discharged home for further recovery. If additional therapy is needed, the hospital stay is extended to 10 days.

Medical therapy

Rehabilitation after valve replacement on the heart , first of all, consists in taking medications, the name and exact dosage of which is determined by the attending cardiologist. The main ones include:

  • drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing immunity, which can provoke rejection of foreign tissue, as a result of which the donor valve will not take root;
  • antibiotics, the purpose of which is to prevent rheumatic attacks. These drugs should be used in patients who require valve replacement due to rheumatic disease;
  • anticoagulants to prevent blood clots. When replacing a heart valve with a biological or mechanical analogue, the blood supply system perceives it as a foreign body. As a result, blood clotting increases, which can cause a blood clot to form on it. It will not only impede the work of the heart, but at any time it can come off and enter the bloodstream. Such circumstances threaten a person's life and will inevitably lead to serious complications - pulmonary embolism, stroke or vascular thrombosis;
  • antiplatelet agents, that is, drugs based on aspirin. Their purpose is to reduce blood clotting, resulting in a reduced risk of blood clots.

In the event that the patient, both before and after the operation, has symptoms of other cardiovascular diseases, such as arterial hypertension or angina pectoris, then in addition to the above medications, drugs should also be taken, the action of which is aimed at eliminating them. It is necessary to carry out the reception in those doses that were prescribed by the doctor constantly. If the effect of drugs for one reason or another becomes ineffective, then contacting a cardiologist should be immediate.

The intensity of physical activity

In most cases, those patients who have experienced symptoms of chronic heart failure are sent for valve replacement surgery. This disease itself caused intolerance to physical activity, and did not give a person the opportunity to actively move and play sports. After the operation, the patient's well-being improves significantly, and he has the strength to increase the load. But at the same time, the fear of harming oneself is stronger.

In order to understand what the body is capable of after valve replacement, the best option is to visit a specialized sanatorium. This institution has specialists in its staff who will select an individual schedule and increase the intensity of loads, under which a person will be able to significantly expand his motor regime in a short time. All classes will be conducted under the close supervision of a doctor, which will make it possible to avoid negative consequences. The result of such rehabilitation after heart surgery with valve replacement will be a return to a full-fledged active life.

If, for certain reasons, visiting such a sanatorium is impossible, then it is necessary to decide on an increase in the degree of load with the attending physician. In this case, the patient should pay close attention to all his feelings that he has during physical activity, and tell the attending physician about them. Only based on this, the doctor will be able to determine at what point in time the patient can begin to actively engage in sports, lift certain weights and generally carry out certain actions that require concentration of attention and strength from him.

In the first time after surgery, the patient needs to control the degree of physical activity very strictly. It should be noted that increased load after such a surgical intervention is contraindicated. But at the same time, its complete absence will entail a very long recovery period. Motor activity in itself has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and the whole body as a whole.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition after heart surgery during valve replacement in most cases does not require special adjustments, that is, a person can eat everything the same as before surgery. At the same time, he needs to limit the intake of alcoholic beverages. This rule only applies if the patient does not have any comorbidities.

If the valve replacement surgery was performed on an elderly or middle-aged person, and he also has signs of atherosclerosis, a special diet is required. Its essence lies in the need to reduce the content of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats in the diet. You should also limit the intake of table salt, coffee, and other stimulant foods. You should enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils and protein products.


The first few weeks of rehabilitation after replacing the aortic valve on the heart implies abstinence from work, that is, the patient is issued a sick leave that gives the right not to attend work. After this time, a person can return to work without any restrictions. This happens if he does not have any concomitant diseases. In the event of complications or inability to perform one or another work, the doctor may give recommendations on replacing working conditions with easier ones. Also, often after such operations, a person is given a disability group, the presence of which implies an adjustment in the intensity of work. Specific recommendations are given to each patient individually, depending on the type of operation that was performed, the name of the modified valve and the initial diagnosis of the patient.

General recommendations during rehabilitation and later

A person who has undergone surgery associated with the replacement of a heart valve throughout his life should pay attention to his feelings and changes in them associated with the work of this organ. If there is pain in the chest and the feeling that the heart began to work intermittently, as well as swelling and shortness of breath, he should immediately consult a doctor. When visiting a dentist, as well as other specialists, he needs to be warned about a previous operation, as this is the reason for adjusting the treatment. You should also limit the intake of drugs containing an increased amount of calcium, as well as products that contain it in large quantities. This is especially necessary to take into account those patients whose "native" valve was replaced with a donor one.

Thus, recovery after heart valve replacement surgery occurs quickly enough and does not require the patient to perform impossible actions. The main thing at the same time in this period and throughout life is to learn to understand your feelings and pay close attention to them. If any changes occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.
