Rehabilitation after RFA on the heart

The operation on the heart, first of all, is explained by the need to save a person's life. Surgical intervention in this case is an extreme method when the use of conservative methods does not give positive results. The operation should be performed after a thorough medical examination and entails a fairly long rehabilitation period.

What is RFA of the heart?

RF heart or radiofrequency ablation is a surgical intervention related to minimally invasive treatment methods that involve access to the heart not through an open incision, but by inserting endoscopic instruments through one or more punctures in the skin and tissues of the human body. The advantages of this method include less trauma, which significantly reduces the recovery period. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the duration of this procedure increases due to the lack of open access, which entails the need for a longer use of general anesthesia.

Indications for RFA of the heart

Radiofrequency ablation of the heart is performed in cases where a person has such diseases of this organ as:

  • atrial fibrillation;
  • ventricular or supraventricular tachycardia;
  • cardiomegaly;
  • heart failure;
  • WPW syndrome.

The impossibility of performing this surgical intervention, even in the presence of these diseases, may occur in the case of:

  • the course of acute infectious processes;
  • endocarditis;
  • thrombosis of the heart vessels;
  • acute form of myocardial infarction;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • angina;
  • violations of water and electrolyte balance;
  • allergies to radiopaque substance;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • heart aneurysms;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • the general serious condition of the patient.

RFA of the heart - postoperative period

After RFA of the heart, the postoperative period begins from the moment when a person leaves the operating room and enters the ward. Staying in intensive care after this surgical intervention is not required. You can monitor the patient's condition in a regular inpatient ward. It consists in undergoing an electrocardiographic examination, first 6 hours after the operation, then 12 hours later and the last one 24 hours later. In addition, during the first day after surgery, the patient's body temperature and pressure are measured.

For half an hour after the operation, a person may feel slight tingling in the chest area, as well as slight pain at the puncture site. These sensations are quite normal and quickly pass without the use of special painkillers. If the pain does not stop over time, does not subside, but rather becomes more intense, then this is the reason for an immediate appeal to the attending physician.

An irregular heartbeat is also normal after RFA for the first few days. This state of affairs should pass soon. If this does not happen, then contacting your doctor about this is also mandatory.

The first day the patient is prescribed bed rest. He is allowed to get up and move independently in extreme cases, since, despite the fact that RFA did not cut the tissues, but small punctures were made in them, even they can start to bleed.

After the patient undergoes all the necessary planned ECG and readings of body temperature and pressure during the first day after the operation, he can be discharged. Further rehabilitation after RFA on the heart will take place at home, subject to scheduled visits to the attending physician.

Within three or four days, the patient is not recommended to perform activities related to the need for concentration. Therefore, you should not drive or go anywhere unaccompanied. It is best when one of the relatives or a hired medical worker will be with the patient during this time.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation after cardiac surgery lasts for two to three months. As a drug treatment, in this case, antiarrhythmic drugs, such as propafenone or propanorm, are prescribed. Other rules of the rehabilitation period include:

  • compliance with the normal mode of physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Smoking and drinking alcohol always has only a negative impact on the human body. After the RFA of the heart, the organ itself and the body as a whole are in a weak state, and in no case should it be “finished off” with smoking and alcohol.

Otherwise, the patient's lifestyle will not be limited by anything. At the same time, he himself should pay attention to all his feelings, and if any complaints arise, immediately visit a doctor.

Physical activity

The patient is not required to perform certain physical exercises during the rehabilitation period. At the same time, throughout the entire recovery period, it is better for him to abandon active sports. It is also not necessary to lift heavy weights, and if this need arose, ask someone to help do this.

If throughout the day a person is required to perform certain actions, then they must be combined with periodic rest. You shouldn't lie down and do nothing all the time. At the same time, you should constantly monitor your well-being and, if it worsens, you need to sit down or even lie down and rest.

Very useful at this stage of recovery are walks in the fresh air. It is best to go out of town for this. Simple physical movements, combined with a large volume of oxygen, have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and on the whole organism as a whole.

Proper nutrition

In particular, switching to proper nutrition, which consists in following a diet, is necessary for patients who are overweight. Excess body weight always negatively affects the work of all organs in the body, and even more so on the heart. An increase in mass inevitably leads to an increase in the body's needs for oxygen and nutrients that ensure its work. With obesity, the heart begins to experience increased stress, which is expressed in an increase in the frequency of contractions and the volume of blood passing through it in one contraction. This negatively affects his work even when the heart is intact. In the same case, when the rhea of ​​this organ is carried out, it will be even more difficult for it to cope with such a load, which in turn can lead to other negative consequences, up to death.

In order to ensure the normal functioning of the heart throughout the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to reduce the amount of incoming food. In order for a person not to feel hungry, he needs to eat more protein foods, as well as foods that include vegetable fiber. Animal fats should be limited or completely removed from the patient's diet. At the same time, he should refuse fatty and smoked foods. Reduce the intake of various spices, hot and spicy seasonings, as well as table salt.

Maintaining proper nutrition is a fairly simple condition, which consists in switching to eating more fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to ensure the presence of meat and fish in the menu. At the same time, when choosing a method for their preparation, it is better to give preference to boiling or steaming. Also, throughout the entire rehabilitation period, you need to give up coffee and other caffeinated drinks. Ensuring a normal drinking regime is an important necessity. The best drinks for this period will be natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

Thus, rehabilitation after RFA on the heart consists only in proper nutrition and even distribution of physical activity. The amount of medication taken is minimal. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
