Rehabilitation after bypass surgery

With the defeat of the coronary arteries and blood vessels, coronary artery bypass grafting is indicated. The postoperative period in this case requires the implementation of certain rules, which will guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment.

Appointment of the recovery period

After surgery, there is a significant decrease in the symptoms of coronary disease. But, this method of treatment is not able to eliminate the cause of the disease. After surgery, other branches of the coronary arteries may narrow. In order to ensure the normal well-being of the patient, proper rehabilitation after bypass surgery must be carried out. When all the rules are followed, the risk of complications is eliminated.

Rehabilitation after CABG should be aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the heart. With its help, stimulation of regenerative processes in damaged areas is provided. The recovery period should help consolidate the results of the surgical intervention. The goals of rehabilitation involve inhibition of the progression of diseases such as ischemic disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. After completing the course, the patient must adapt to the loads of a psychological and physiological nature. With its help, the formation of social, household and labor skills is ensured.

Recovery after AKSH provides an opportunity to ensure a full life of a person and eliminate various complications.

First stage

Recovery after shunting consists of going through several stages. The duration of the first of them is from 10 to 14 days. During this period, the patient must be in a hospital. This period is enough to normalize the performance of all organs and systems of the patient's body.

After the patient is transferred from intensive care to an ordinary ward, it is necessary to normalize breathing and eliminate the possibility of stagnation in the lungs. That is why patients are prescribed breathing exercises after shunting. In this case, the patient needs to regularly inflate a rubber toy - a ball or ball. After the surgical intervention, the use of vibromassage is recommended. It is performed over the area of ​​​​the lungs with tapping movements.

In stationary conditions, the patient is recommended to frequently change the position of the body in bed. If the surgeon allows, then the person can lie on his side. After bypass surgery, rehabilitation requires a gradual increase in physical activity. Initially, the patient should sit down on a chair, walk around the ward or corridor. The performance of certain actions should be carried out in accordance with the well-being of the patient. Before discharge, a person is advised to learn how to climb the stairs himself. During his stay in the hospital recommended walks in the fresh air.

Rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting requires strict adherence to all the doctor's recommendations, which will eliminate the possibility of complications.

Second phase

After the patient is discharged from the hospital, he is recommended to visit the doctor regularly. He examines the person, and also provides his advice. In most cases, patients are advised to visit a doctor within 1-3 months after discharge. In this case, the complexity of the surgical intervention and the presence of pathological processes that can lead to complications in the recovery period are taken into account. Regardless of the date of the examination, the patient should contact the doctor if:

  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Severe pain in the sternum;
  • Increase in body weight;
  • Failures in the performance of the heart.

Rehabilitation after aksh at home should be aimed at normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes. After surgery, patients are recommended to undergo drug therapy. It normalizes heart rate and blood pressure. After shunting, medicines lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also eliminate the possibility of blood clots. Antiplatelet therapy requires taking:

  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Aspirin cardio;
  • Thrombo ASS.

The choice of medication should be carried out only by a doctor in accordance with the indications. After aortocoronary bypass surgery, rehabilitation prohibits smoking, as well as the use of alcoholic beverages. At this time, physical activity is shown to patients. The best option in this case is walking. With its help, a gradual increase in the level of fitness of the body is ensured. In accordance with the patient's well-being, a regular increase in the pace and duration of walking is recommended. Patients are shown walks in the fresh air. During physical exertion, it is recommended to control the heart rate, which should be from 100 to 110 beats per minute.

If the patient has swelling in the lower extremities, then the use of compression stockings or elastic bandages on the legs is recommended. In some cases, the use of special complexes of therapeutic exercises is recommended. After the sternum is completely healed, patients are allowed to run, swim, dance, and ride a bicycle. If a heart bypass was performed, then the postoperative period is prohibited from playing tennis, basketball, push-ups, pull-ups and other sports in which the load falls on the chest.

Intimate life in the postoperative period is not prohibited. In most cases, sexual relations are resolved after the patient is discharged. In this case, it is necessary to choose postures in which the load on the chest will be minimal. Office workers and intellectual workers can go to work after 1-1.5 months after surgery. If a person's activity was associated with physical labor, then he is recommended to switch to easier conditions.

Rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass surgery requires the patient to give up bad habits, take appropriate medications and feasible physical activity.


After heart bypass surgery, the patient must adhere to proper nutrition without fail. This is due to the fact that during the course of a myocardial infarction, an excess of cholesterol in the blood can lead to complications. That is why during the rehabilitation period it is recommended to exclude fats. Patients are strictly prohibited from consuming:

  • Pork;
  • ducklings;
  • Mutton;
  • offal;
  • semi-finished products;
  • Sausages.

The patient should also refuse fatty dairy products. It is not recommended to cook dishes from butter and margarine. The human diet should not consist of snacks, confectionery, fast foods, fried foods.

The patient's diet should consist of fish dishes, vegetables and fruits, boiled lean meat. When using dairy products, it is recommended to ensure that they have a minimum level of fat content. Patients are advised to give preference to vegetable oil from fats. Its daily dose should be no more than two tablespoons.

After the operation, the patient is recommended to eat small meals. He should eat food five times a day, but in minimal portions. Cooking should be carried out by boiling, baking, stewing. Eating fried foods is strictly prohibited. Once a week, patients are advised to unload. After the operation, it is necessary to limit the amount of table salt consumed. Patients are advised to strictly adhere to the drinking regimen. They should drink 1 to 1.2 liters of fluid per day. From cocoa, coffee and strong tea must be abandoned. It is strictly forbidden to drink energy drinks after the operation by specialists.

The postoperative period after cardiac bypass surgery is quite important in the treatment. That is why the patient must strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor, as well as follow all the rules. Otherwise, negative consequences may develop.
