Folk remedies for treatment after a stroke

The circulatory system feeds our brain. He needs large amounts of glucose and oxygen every day. In just one minute, eight hundred milliliters of blood flows through the brain. A small malfunction of the blood vessels can lead to irreversible consequences. A stroke is an abrupt and rapid disruption of blood circulation in the brain, which leads to the death of some parts of the brain. The reasons that led to violations of blood delivery to the brain can be: lack of oxygen, blockage and rupture of blood vessels, a sharp influx of blood.

Such consequences are caused by malnutrition, alcoholism, obesity, stress and smoking. The body's response to a lack of brain nutrition is cerebral edema, which contributes to an increase in intracranial pressure. If nothing is done, the dislocation of the brain develops, that is, a displacement. Nerve tissues are compressed - the brain dies. Stroke is classified into two types, depending on the violation of cerebral circulation:

  1. Ischemic type of stroke - appears as a result of blood vessels, or with poor blood flow.
  2. Hemorrhagic type of stroke - appears as a result of rupture of the vessel, hemorrhage.

The stroke begins suddenly: vomiting occurs, redness of the face, the temperature rises to 39 ° C. Dizziness and headache may be present. Soon the patient loses consciousness. On the opposite side of the lesion, paralysis of the arm and leg develops. If the affected side is right, the speech apparatus is disturbed.

How to recover from a stroke using folk remedies

There is primary and secondary prevention of stroke. Primary care is provided with medication in the clinic. But do not forget about the rehabilitation carried out at home. The main methods of secondary care are: exercise therapy, massage, drug therapy, exercises to improve speech and restore memory. Folk remedies for treatment after a stroke are quite effective, they can be combined with medication and physical rehabilitation.


The first thing you should pay attention to is herbs. To recover from circulatory disorders, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs are used. Also, brewed herbs are drunk and used in the form of rubbing.

Medicinal herb Dioscorea Caucasian lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and improves coronary circulation. To prepare the tincture, you need to take:

500 milliliters of vodka Fill the grass with alcohol and insist in a dark place for ten days
100 grams of chopped dry or fresh herbs

After ten days, we filter the tincture and add vodka so that the half-liter bottle is full. Take for a month once a day for a teaspoon. You can take tincture with tea, water, compote.

Celandine is an effective remedy for prophylaxis after hemorrhage. Use this plant with caution, adhering to the dosage. Due to its toxicity, it cannot be used in large doses.

1 tablespoon of celandine We insist fifteen minutes, squeeze the grass, filter
1 cup boiling water

Celandine is a very strong means of cleansing blood vessels. Start taking the tincture with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing to two tablespoons.

Juniper is an indispensable tool for rubbing. This plant has amazing healing properties. Put the crushed leaves in hot water and cook for fifteen minutes. We insist the broth for two to three hours. We squeeze the raw materials and filter. It is recommended to store the decoction in the refrigerator.

An effective remedy is a tincture of lemon and pine needles.

Half a medium lemon We peel the lemon from the zest, remove the seeds, chop. Fill the raw material with boiling water and boil for thirty minutes. Then add lemon and leave for two to three hours
Chopped pine branches 2 tablespoons
One glass of boiling water

Take half a glass half an hour before meals twice a day.

It will help to recover from a stroke - a folk remedy thyme. This indispensable medicinal herb will serve for paralysis of the limbs.

Dried raw materials - fifty grams Pour thyme with alcohol and insist in a dark place for two weeks
One hundred milliliters of alcohol

This tincture is used as a rub for damaged legs and arms.

Sage will help to recover from the consequences after a stroke. 

1 tablespoon dry sage leaves Pour boiling water over the leaves and bring to a boil over low heat. Wrap with a warm cloth for twenty-five minutes. Strain
250 milliliters of boiling water

Take for thirty days, two sips, three to ten times a day. Such an infusion will help restore speech.

Baths with this plant are considered very useful. In ten liters of boiling water, boil two hundred grams of sage leaves for five minutes. The decoction is infused for one hour, strain and pour into a bath of warm water. Bathe for about half an hour three times a week. A total of twenty-five sessions are required.

Herbal preparations are very effective.

100 grams of chamomile flowers Mix all herbs. We take one tablespoon of the collection and pour one glass of boiling water. After adding three hundred grams of water and bring to a boil
100 grams of cumin
100 grams of St. John's wort
100 grams of birch buds
1 cup boiling water
300 grams of water
1 teaspoon honey

We take one glass of warm broth with the addition of honey twenty minutes before breakfast and two hours after dinner. It is recommended to drink herbal collection every day until the raw materials run out. The course of treatment is repeated every six months.

To improve sleep, with cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, tincture of jaundice herb is recommended.

1 teaspoon jaundice leaves Pour the leaves with boiling water and leave for thirty to forty minutes
1 cup boiling water

You need to drink three times a day for a tablespoon.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a good folk remedy for stroke. This medicine practically does not cause side effects, rarely has contraindications. The only ban on this remedy is individual intolerance. If the drug is injected into the blood in time, the stroke recedes and the patient returns to normal. To do this, take 250 milliliters of a 0.3 percent peroxide solution and pour it into the blood.

After a stroke, 100 milliliters of a 0.15 percent solution is infused over five days. After a week break, the course is repeated, if necessary.

Essential oils

Do not forget about the healing properties of essential oils, and especially taking baths with them. In a glass of milk, add two drops of ylang-ylang oil and three drops of lemon balm. Mix well and pour the milk mixture into warm water. We take a bath for twenty minutes. We repeat the course twice a week, only ten sessions.

Chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are popularly considered a good help for preventing hemorrhage and improving memory after. You need to drink one raw egg every morning and evening for two weeks.

Pour crushed egg shells into a three-liter jar. Top with freshly squeezed lemon juice and refrigerate. We expect complete dissolution of the shell in lemon juice. After we add five hundred milliliters of liquid honey and half a liter of alcohol, or vodka. We insist the medicine for ten days in the refrigerator. We take three months twice a day. Before meals, a teaspoon. The main thing is not to interrupt the reception, otherwise there will be no effect.


Mumiye is rightfully considered one of the best folk remedies. Mountain resin is an effective remedy for complications of varying complexity. We dissolve two tablets in any liquid and drink in the morning and in the evening.

When paralyzing the limbs, we take five grams of mummy and one hundred and fifty milliliters of aloe juice. Take a teaspoon half an hour before meals in the morning and two hours after meals in the evening, for fourteen days. After that, for another fourteen days we drink alcohol tincture on propolis, twenty-five drops three times a day. Then again for two weeks we take mummy with aloe, then propolis again. This remedy strengthens blood vessels.

If, due to illness, attacks of headache and dizziness have begun, a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of flower honey will help, dissolve a mummy tablet in it. Drink on an empty stomach and after dinner a glass for twenty-five days. If necessary, repeat the course in ten days.

If the facial nerve is paralyzed:

100 milligrams mountain resin The plant is poured with boiling water. After cooling, we filter and dissolve the mummy in it.
1 tablespoon dry marjoram
1 cup boiling water

We take three weeks twice a day. We repeat the course in ten days. Also, this tincture helps to restore memory.


Honey is taken to speed up the regeneration process, two teaspoons a day. Eat honey for two months with a two-week break.

Very effective honey with lemon juice. We take freshly squeezed juice from ten medium lemons and mix with one liter of liquid honey and a few cloves of ground garlic. We insist in a dark, cool place with open access to air for fourteen days. Take a teaspoon every day, it is recommended to dissolve the mixture.

For the good functioning of the brain, it is useful to eat honey with walnuts. Mix chopped walnuts with liquid honey. You need to take the mixture several times a day for a teaspoon.

Also useful honey with horseradish. An equal amount of juice from lemon, horseradish and carrots is mixed with two teaspoons of honey. Insist in a warm dark place for several days. Consume twice a day.

Laurel oil

Laurel oil is credited with miraculous properties, in particular for paralysis. Thirty grams of bay leaves pour one glass of vegetable oil and insist for two months. Shake the mixture daily and store in a dark place. After the time is up, strain and boil. Rub into affected limbs.

Such folk remedies for treatment after a stroke are quite well known to the general public, but do not forget about exercises to restore speech.

Exercises to normalize speech after a stroke

  • When losing speech with the patient, it is necessary to talk as much as possible, this will help him speak faster. Music helps a lot, turn on the songs.
  • To start talking, it is necessary to pronounce the usual syllables and sounds. Say the first part of the word to the patient, and he the last. Gradually increase the ending of the word to three syllables. Soon a person should repeat small verses and tongue twisters.
  • To develop facial muscles, you need to do the following exercises: stick out your tongue, stick out your tongue and raise its tip, show your teeth, curl your tongue into a tube, lick your lips, lightly bite your upper lip, bite your lower lip.

Recovery after a stroke with folk remedies is effective in the first half of the year after an attack, do not forget about it. Do not delay the start of treatment and do not rely only on medications. Use all possible ways to quickly help the patient return to a normal lifestyle.


Leeches help to restore the body, they dissolve blood clots and make the blood more liquid. In a short period, the patency of blood vessels improves, blood pressure decreases, the vessels become stronger. This is a safe remedy, but can cause allergies, itching and redness. Such side effects are very rare and not for everyone.

Massage after a stroke

To quickly recover from a stroke, you need a massage. With the right massage:

  • The outflow of lymph from the arms and legs improves, the swelling of the body decreases.
  • The work of the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system is normalized.
  • Improves tissue nutrition, and reduces the risk of developing pneumonia.

Basic principles of massage:

  • Therapeutic massage is done before lunch.
  • The first sessions with the patient last no more than five minutes, eventually increasing to twenty minutes.
  • The patient is in the supine position. The upper torso should be higher than the legs.
  • The entire paralyzed part of the body is massaged.
  • It is recommended to start kneading the spine from the collar region with smooth movements. An exception is hyperkinesis and muscle hypertonicity, in which case the movements should be strong, rubbing.
  • We start the foot massage from the hip, and the arms from the shoulder.
  • No sudden movements.

Such folk remedies after a stroke will become indispensable helpers in the fight against the consequences of a stroke. Remember! Treatment, started immediately, will lead to a positive result and prolong the life of the patient. A stroke is not a sentence, people can fully live after this disease. The main thing is to use this information wisely.
