Paralysis of the left side after a stroke

A stroke is a serious disease that, if not properly treated, can be fatal. That is why you need to know and be able to recognize the signs of a stroke, in addition, special attention should be paid to providing first aid to a person in this condition.

Every year, the percentage of patients with stroke is growing, doctors put treatment and the recovery process on the same level, the subsequent life of a person depends on the latter.

What is a stroke?

Violations or failures in the cerebral circulation that affect the human nervous system is called a stroke. The consequence of the transferred hemorrhage may be complete or partial paralysis of the right or left side of the patient. Recovery from right-sided numbness is faster and less painful, the left side after a stroke suffers due to:

  1. Ischemic stroke, which occurs due to blockage of blood vessels during thrombosis, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias. Another important reason may be a prolonged stressful condition, in which vasospasm can provoke hemorrhage.
  2. Hemorrhagic stroke, characterized by rupture of cerebral vessels with subsequent hemorrhage.

If the left side is paralyzed after a stroke, regardless of the underlying cause, it should be understood that the recovery process will be long and difficult.

Symptoms of paralysis of the left side of the body after a stroke

Depending on the type, the symptoms of a stroke can vary. Common will be:

  • aching headache of high intensity, in which any drugs are powerless;
  • changes in blood pressure readings;
  • stool disorder;
  • constant tinnitus, very similar to a hum;
  • impaired consciousness in partial or complete form;
  • poor orientation in space;
  • deterioration of vision or its complete loss;
  • fast heart rate;
  • dry mouth.

If the stroke is caused by hemorrhagic causes, then nausea and vomiting are added here, speech defects immediately appear, emotions disappear, movements and gestures slow down.

Important ! A hemorrhagic stroke affects the left side of a person instantly, after a couple of minutes a weak pulse and complete numbness of the limbs will be observed.

A stroke with ischemic causes is more insidious, it can develop for a long time, in addition to general symptoms, it is characterized by regular weakness in the body, numbness of the arms and legs, unsteadiness when walking.

Causes of paralysis of the left side

Paralysis of the left side after a stroke occurs due to a number of reasons, the most common of which are:

  • previous injuries, among which it is worth highlighting a concussion of varying degrees;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • serious metabolic disorders;
  • wrong way of life;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • vascular disease;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • regular stress and nervous strain.

People with congenital problems of the nervous system, lack of B vitamins, with severe intoxication of the body with salts of heavy metals have a predisposition to the occurrence of hemorrhage in the right hemisphere of the brain, which will lead to bad consequences.

Signs and consequences of a stroke

Stroke, provoked by various reasons, is the most terrible in its consequences. In addition to death, many are afraid of paralysis. If the hemorrhage occurred in the right hemisphere of the brain, it will take away the left side. This is the hardest thing to diagnose and therefore treat. The sooner a stroke with damage to the left side of a person is recognized, the sooner help will be provided and the less painful the consequences will be.

Usually, after a hemorrhage in the right hemisphere, the patient's speech practically does not change, the first signs will be:

  • lowered left corner of the mouth;
  • lowered outer corner of the left eye;
  • partial numbness of the left extremities.

In addition, it should be understood that all internal organs located on the left side are also affected.

Important ! The left-handed person will not have half of these symptoms, which makes it difficult to diagnose in a timely manner.

If men are paralyzed on the left side after a stroke, the prognosis will be disappointing. Most develop:

  • cyst of the right testicle;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

This is what causes disability and mortality among men after forty, even if the rehabilitation was successful.

The last two diseases are also characteristic of women, in addition to this, hypertension and impaired brain activity are added.

Methods of rehabilitation after paralysis of the left side

At the slightest suspicion of a stroke, first of all, it is necessary to provide first aid and call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, a person with a suspected stroke must be laid strictly horizontally, while the head and shoulders should be slightly higher relative to the body. The head should be turned to one side, this will help a lot in case of vomiting. Clothing that restricts movement should be unbuttoned, if possible, the pressure is measured.

Council ! Strictly monitor the patient's condition, if breathing slows down, and the pulse stops being felt, immediately do an indirect heart massage.

Treatment is carried out strictly in a hospital, how long it will depend on the patient and the severity of the hemorrhage. The initial stage of rehabilitation also takes place under the supervision of physicians. It includes:

  • pressure stabilization;
  • power regulation;
  • massage.

The first point is brought back to normal with the help of drugs, as well as a good mood of the patient. It is during this period that the patient needs the support and care of loved ones, their smiles. Recovery after a stroke is largely dependent on those around you.

The dietary nutrition will be established by the attending physician, it is he who will be able to choose the most effective diet for the normal rehabilitation process.

Three weeks after the incident, the patient is shown a massage, it is believed that it is during this period that the body begins to intensively recover. The first few sessions should be carried out by a specialist who will conduct a special course for such patients. In the future, relatives will need to master massage and do it at home on their own.

Recovery of the left side after a stroke at home

After discharge from the hospital with a person who has had a stroke, it will be necessary for someone to constantly sit, care for him, feed him. In addition, it will be necessary to carry out certain recovery procedures. For many, it sounds like a sentence of paralysis of the left side after a stroke, there is a treatment, and it is possible.

At home, it is important to continue to keep a positive attitude and cheer up the patient in every possible way, adhere to the recommended diet, and take medication regularly. Auxiliary, but no less important are massage and traditional medicine recipes.

Massage is used quite often to avoid muscle atrophy and prevent bedsores. For this, the procedure is carried out no more than every three hours, while the movements should be along the path of the blood flow. They massage the entire left side in turn, starting with the leg and ending with the shoulder joint.

Council ! To avoid abrasion of the skin and reduce the possibility of bedsores, regularly rotate the patient, wipe the skin with antiseptics, change clothes and bedding in a timely manner.

Traditional medicine

How to recover from a stroke , when the left side , our ancestors also knew. They knew the recipes for decoctions and infusions, which are still used today along with drug treatment. The most effective are:

  • An infusion from the Maryiny root is prepared by brewing with boiling water and infusing for five hours. Just two tablespoons of this liquid will add strength.
  • Shilajit, diluted in 100 g of warm water and drunk at a time, will also do a good job.
  • The use of bay leaf infused with vegetable oil is effective. This drug is not taken orally, they rub the patient.
  • Immunostimulating and restorative will be a remedy of 100 g of lemon, 100 g of garlic and 100 g of honey. All ingredients are crushed and poured with honey, mixed, insisted for a week. Take a teaspoon after meals.
  • An infusion of pine cones also has a good effect. It is taken in a teaspoon once a day as an additive to tea.

Stroke, restoration of the left side is possible only with an integrated approach, only folk remedies will help little.

A stroke with damage to the left side is not a sentence; with proper care and a high-quality rehabilitation course, a person can almost completely return to normal life. But this will not happen in a month, and maybe not in a year.
