How to restore vision after a stroke

The eyes are one of the most important human organs, 80 percent of the information about the world around us is perceived visually. Therefore, visual impairment directly affects the quality of life of patients. In this case, a violation of visual acuity can occur not only due to congenital anomalies, but also as a result of eye diseases. This risk group includes people who have had an eye stroke. In medical practice, the concept of "ocular stroke" stands for blockage of blood vessels in the retina of the eye, followed by their blockage or rupture.

Causes of ocular stroke

Approximately one third of patients who have had this disease, there is a complete or partial loss of vision. Statistics show that ocular stroke most often occurs in those who are over 60 years old and the area of ​​eye damage is not extensive, so patients do not seek help from medical institutions. If the area of ​​eye damage is significant, then vision problems appear immediately, up to its complete loss.

But besides the age limit, there are other causes of ocular stroke at an earlier age. These include: stress, overwork, excessive eye strain, blood pressure disorders, heredity. People with the second blood type (positive) are also more prone to strokes. A stroke in the eye occurs due to excessive expansion or narrowing of blood vessels. In order not to confuse eye fatigue with a dangerous disease, the following signs must be taken into account: with a microstroke of the eye, white spots appear in the field of vision simultaneously with a deterioration in vision, small hemorrhages in the eye are visually visible, and blood pressure may increase.

Types and signs of ocular stroke

With the help of computer diagnostics and electronic scanning of blood vessels, it is possible to determine the type of microstroke:

  • Obstruction of the artery as a result of the development of pathological processes and retinal detachment. The development of the disease is painless. The main symptom is loss of peripheral vision followed by loss of central vision. 80 percent of patients quite successfully restore the lost diopters (up to 0.4), but in the future there may be problems with the distortion of the vision picture.
  • Disconnection of a vein from the retina. The signs of the disease remain the same: loss of peripheral vision and the presence of white spots in the field of vision. In this case, people with high blood pressure are at risk. A venous blood clot is the cause of the disease. The patient has swelling and loss of vision. Modern laser surgery removes the clot and in most cases injections into the eye are not used.
  • Central obstruction of the artery. Appears suddenly. A person with this disease ceases to distinguish colors and can hardly count the fingers on his hands.
  • Paralysis of the nerve responsible for the movement of the eye. The reason is a decrease in the volume of functioning tissues in the eye, in particular the muscle that is responsible for eye movement. The patient cannot look directly, strabismus appears.

The negative manifestations of a stroke, as a result of a significant deviation from the norm of eye function, also include:

  1. Eye bulging. It is a sign of pathology of the nerve responsible for eye movement. A person has no voluntary movements in the eyes, a strong tension is felt, the eyes are watery. In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed in order not to lose sight.
  2. Vision is divided. The eyeballs protrude, and it becomes impossible to control their direction. Visual perception is impaired.
  3. Trembling of the eyeballs, spasm of the eyelid. It is a dysfunction of the optic nerve. In the case of extensive disruption of functioning tissues, treatment becomes impossible, and the patient becomes visually impaired. With minor violations, improvement is still possible.

How to restore vision after a stroke

Restoring vision after a stroke is not an easy task, it all depends on the size and focus of the lesion. The result of recovery is also affected by the age of the patient, his lifestyle. Restoring vision after a stroke becomes impossible in cases where the system of organs that perceive and transmit visual information into images is damaged, and the nerve impulse is not transmitted from the retina to the brain, as well as in case of hemorrhage in the area of ​​the optic nerve.

So does vision recover after a stroke? The answer can be positive if a person seeks qualified medical help in time. The doctor must analyze the damage and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The first 90 days after a stroke, the possibility of restoring vision is maximum.

First of all, a person who has had an eye stroke should contact an ophthalmologist or neurologist. After the doctor draws up a clear treatment plan, the patient needs to undergo a rehabilitation course of therapy. Physiotherapy exercises may be included in it, but only for those patients who do not have complete or partial loss of vision. Physical activity reduces the risk of recurrent ocular strokes.

A course of drug and restorative therapy will help to significantly accelerate the resumption of visual functions.

Operational treatment

In this case, laser treatment is used for correction. Modern technologies make it possible to completely block the development of pathology and return the eyeball to its normal position, as well as eliminate the effect of double vision in the eyes.

Drug therapy

Such therapy is aimed at taking the patient drugs to restore cells in the brain and the area affected by the stroke in the eyeball. Medications are prescribed only by a doctor and based on the severity of the manifestation of an eye stroke. If there is a dysfunction of the brain tissues, then a combined therapy is prescribed to increase blood supply and metabolism in nerve cells. There are drugs that can dissolve blood stasis that has formed in the vessels, but this is only possible immediately after a stroke for three hours.

It is possible to reduce sensitivity to hypoxia with the help of an antioxidant, in particular vitamin E.

A prerequisite for recovery is the introduction of vitamin A into the daily diet, which is found in certain foods (carrots, peppers, pumpkin, tomato, broccoli, rose hips, etc.).

Gymnastics for the eyes

The course of gymnastics exercises for the eyes is not difficult, having worked out with the instructor several times, the patient can easily perform them on his own. Gymnastics is aimed at resuming the motor and visual functions of the eye.

Computer rehabilitation after a stroke

There are also modern methods of rehabilitation - these are specialized computer programs aimed at expanding the field of view and making the image clearer. This is a kind of simulator for the eyes, which, with the help of light effects, helps to restore visual perception. The whole process takes no more than 20 minutes. The main task of such programs is to increase the visual movement of the eyes and reboot the brain's ability to visually perceive the left and right sides. Such programs are divided into two types - restoration and compensation of vision. The recovery program improves the visualization of sensitivity, which makes it possible for the patient to distinguish objects in the blind area. The compensation program teaches you to look towards the damaged area and an invisible object. The disadvantages of computer rehabilitation are that such therapy is not suitable for patients with epileptic conditions that occur with light stimulation and for patients with significant impairment of eye function.

In conclusion, we can conclude that vision is restored after a stroke, but 100% guarantees cannot be given. The most important thing is the timely identification of the disease, the immediate appeal to specialists and the systematic implementation of all recommendations. It must be understood that the rehabilitation process will not be quick and you will have to get used to a new daily routine with daily exercises and proper nutrition. General recovery methods will achieve positive results in the future

Restoration of vision - video
