Nutrition after stomach surgery

Surgery is a cardinal method when other methods have failed or the disease has been diagnosed late. Surgery performed on the stomach is often done because of cancer problems inside the organ. Band surgery is not only a complex process, but also a difficult recovery. Many patients experience a lot of complications during this period.

Recovery after stomach surgery

Why the doctor may prescribe surgery:

  • Cicatricial stenosis, severe;
  • Penetration of the mucous wall of the organ and the ingress of acid and secretion onto the internal organs located nearby;
  • The presence of peptic ulcer in the organs of the upper epigastrium;
  • The formation of polyps on the inner walls of the body. As a result of degeneration, polyps can become a malignant tumor;
  • Obesity at the last stage.

Recovery after stomach surgery takes a long time and requires effort from the patient and patience from others.

Immediately after the operation, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit. Here the patient is until the termination of anesthesia. The next 2 days, the patient is in intensive care, under the supervision of medical personnel. Only on the third day after the operation there is a transfer to the general ward of the surgical department.

Surgical intervention implies a violation of the integrity of internal tissues. Often this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process, suppuration. Therefore, after the operation, the following types of drainage remain in the patient's body for a long time:

  • special tubes are left to help drain blood, fluid formed in the tissues and bile secretions;
  • in order to eliminate nausea, a nasogastric tube is carried out from the nose to the stomach. The gastric secret is removed from the organ through the tubes;
  • at first, the medicine is administered using catheters located in the veins and arteries. Also, with the help of catheters, special mixtures are introduced so that useful substances enter the body, bypassing the damaged digestive system;
  • if during surgery it was necessary to remove part of the esophageal canal, then tubes are installed to allow air to enter the lungs.

Rehab with diet

Nutrition after stomach surgery is very different from the diet that was present before surgery. The main restrictions are in the first week. The fact is that after the loss of a significant part of the gastric organ, the remaining digestive system needs to be rebuilt and adapted to new conditions.

Feeding through a dropper allows you to supply the necessary substances directly to the intestines, since at first the food cannot come in a natural way.

The doctor prescribes special surgical diets designed to provide the patient's body with the necessary minimum of nutrients. Due to the direct delivery, the load on the operated stomach is reduced, no gases are formed in the intestinal canals, and there is no bloating problem.

The diet after gastric surgery, prescribed at the beginning of therapy and continuing until the restoration of the digestive system, consists of foods that are easily absorbed by the body. Here there are vitamins, micro and macro elements, necessarily fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Sodium chloride should be removed from the diet.

It is important to know how to eat after stomach surgery in order for the treatment to give results:

  • immediately after surgery. After leaving anesthesia, a complete lack of nutrition is prescribed;
  • second day. The patient is given a drink. The liquid must be warm. Doctors recommend giving the patient no more than a glass of sweetened tea and 50 ml of rosehip infusion. Give at intervals of 20 minutes. and 1 tsp. Such food should last another three days;
  • on the 5th day, the patient is examined by a doctor for the possibility of introducing new products into the diet. If there is no flatulence, motor activity has returned to normal, then the patient is prescribed diet food under the number OA and 2 soft-boiled eggs are added. The composition of the diet includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates. During the diet, you should drink liquids in the amount necessary for the normal functioning of internal systems - up to 2.2 liters. The menu should contain decoctions of a mucous consistency. As a drink, a decoction of rosehip berries or jelly is used. Food consumption is divided into 8 meals, the serving size is not more than 250 grams;
  • after 7 days, x-rays of the intestines are taken. The doctor determines the condition of the stitches and gives permission to eat with a different consistency. In particular, the patient is transferred to diet No. ABOUT. The menu contains an increased amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During this period, the volume of fluid is up to 2 liters per day. The fragmentation of nutrition is up to six times, with a food volume of 400 grams. Cereal soups with a mucous component in a low-fat broth are gradually included in the diet. There are soft-boiled eggs, mashed rice and buckwheat porridge, fish and meat in the form of mashed potatoes, jelly;
  • after 9 to 11 days, Diet No. OB is prescribed. The food collected in this type of diet allows the gastrointestinal tract to prepare for the intake of normal, full-fledged food. The content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is doubled. However, the amount of liquid is reduced to 1.5 liters. Salt is allowed to consume no more than 6 grams. The number of calories in the diet per day increases to 2400 kilocalories. All food is passed through a grater and mashed. Fractional meals are preserved, but now at least 5 times. During this period, the menu includes pureed soups, meat and fish, cottage cheese, dairy products, cookies and white crackers. Dishes are prepared exclusively for steam. Fried food is strictly prohibited.

The diets are surgical and are designed specifically for those recovering from abdominal surgery. The duration of the diet is from 2 days to 4 days. But the decision is made by the doctor individually, depending on the patient's well-being and the condition of the incised organs.

As a rule, in the absence of external and internal signs of deterioration in health, the patient stops taking surgical diets. He is prescribed standard dietary nutrition according to the Pevzner method. Where food is rubbed through a grater. Being on a diet operated on:

  • eats fractionally, not less than 5 times for the whole day;
  • eats no more than 250 grams at a time and the same amount of water or liquid;
  • At lunchtime, you can eat two meals.

The menu after stomach surgery should contain a lot of protein. This is achieved by eating minced meat, previously cooked for broth, boiled fish, fresh cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve. Egg omelet.

Each time a new dish is introduced, attention should be paid to the patient's well-being. He may have an intolerance to the fats contained in the diet. This can be seen in the following signs:

  • complaints of a bitter taste in the mouth;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • frequent loose stools.

To reduce the load on the intestinal tract, you need to reduce the amount of consumption to 70 grams. In turn, a reduced carbohydrate content occurs due to the consumption of other carbohydrates that are easily digested.

If a dumping syndrome reaction is observed in the patient's body, then sweets should be removed from consumption, and any dish where sugar can be put. The disease provokes the release from the stomach into the intestines. Food enters the intestinal tract poorly digested, which leads to an increase in gas production, periods of diarrhea are replaced by constipation.

If there are no visible signs of complications after surgery, the patient notes an improvement in the situation, then it becomes possible to use Diet No. 1, based on denser food options. Dietary nutrition according to the specified diet is the closest possible type of nutrition to the natural human environment.

Food, according to the diet, is prepared without the use of oil and other fats. Cooking is done in a double boiler, in the oven and by stewing. Food takes place under the same conditions, but the number of permitted products has been increased.

What can you eat after stomach surgery:

  • soups cooked in low-fat meat broth. Borscht and cabbage soup are also allowed, but not more than once a week;
  • dried wheat bread;
  • lean fish, beef;
  • chicken;
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat porridge and dishes prepared on its basis with the addition of boiled rice;
  • vegetables. Can be eaten raw or boiled;
  • greenery;
  • hard cheese with a minimum fat content and mild;
  • fruits and berries are eaten fresh without heat treatment.

If rehabilitation after surgery on the stomach goes well, without visible signs of complications, then after six months the strict diet is canceled. A person can start eating the same foods that he ate before the operation.

It must be understood that after removal of a cancerous tumor in the abdominal cavity, a sharp loss of mass is often observed. The indicator is from 10 to 15 percent of the total body weight. Therefore, to replenish strength and weight, you should increase the number of calories in dishes. This increase is possible due to the appearance of biologically significant elements that are necessary for a person, contained in dietary nutrition.

When complications appear after surgery in the form of the development of inflammatory processes at the site of the operation or ulcerative phenomena, the patient returns to the Pevzner diet again, the products are passed through a grater.

If the complications are acute, then the doctor, after examining, gives an appointment for a diet numbered 1A and 1B. These diets are critical, since they are used when the state of the upper epigastric organs is considered critical. The main thing is to remove salt from the diet. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced to make it easier for the body to digest food.

You need to make sure that the food you eat is warm. At the same time hot and cold. When food is warm, it is better absorbed and practically without loss. If the dish is too hot, you can burn your mouth and internal organs. Cold food lingers in the intestinal tract for a long time, worsens its work. Constipation occurs, and hard feces can cause minor injuries to the intestinal mucosa.

Each assigned menu is adjusted for food tolerance or intolerance. For each patient, the composition and diet is adjusted and selected strictly individually.

Doctors recommend adding special mixtures: nutrison or nutridrink. They are introduced gradually in small doses. Must be diluted with water before consumption. The patient's condition should be noted.

Do not forget about the vitamin complexes necessary to maintain many processes inside at a normal level. For the proper functioning of the intestinal tract and maintaining its motility, enzyme medications are prescribed: Mezim, Creon.

The active phase of the recovery period ends 12 months after gastric resection. After rehabilitation continues, but there are no strict requirements for food and drink. But you should be careful and know what you can eat after surgery on the stomach, and what not. Since the abuse of fatty, fried, alcoholic beverages and smoking leads again to the emergency room.

When dietary nutrition is prescribed, they try to combine and diversify the menu served. Protein and cereals from cereals replace each other daily. Cooking rules are observed, the volumes of dishes do not exceed the permitted sizes. But frequent consumption of food contributes to the saturation of the body. Fish and meat are consumed after cooking. They are pre-ground on a sieve, not more than 1 time per knock.

A special diet, which is prescribed for the period of rehabilitation after abdominal surgery, requires the ability and skills of cooking dishes approved by doctors. At the same time, the duration of being in this mode is almost a year. But there are also positive aspects. Being a patient on a diet reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the stomach, the mucous membrane of the organ is protected due to the enveloping properties of the foods consumed.
