Diet after appendectomy

The operation to remove appendicitis in surgical practice is considered simple. But it should be remembered that the risk of complications is always present. In order to avoid the development of peritonitis and any postoperative situations, the patient is required to follow all the doctor's instructions and adhere to a special diet. It is proper nutrition after removal of appendicitis that helps to normalize intestinal motility, start metabolic processes, and increase regeneration.

The purpose of gentle nutrition in the postoperative period

After the removal of the appendix, the patient is prescribed a treatment table No. 5. Such a sparing regimen does not overload the work of the large intestine, avoids pressure on the sutures and their further divergence.

The diet is aimed at:

  • facilitating the work of the colon and gastrointestinal tract as a whole;
  • restoration of metabolic processes;
  • supplying a weakened body with nutrients;
  • acceleration of regeneration (wound healing).

The energy value of therapeutic nutrition should not exceed 2450 kcal. Of these, per day you can use:

  • proteins not more than 90 g;
  • fat - 75 g;
  • carbohydrates 330 g.

When scheduling meals by day, it should be emphasized that:

  1. On the first day after the removal of the appendix, the patient is only allowed to drink water, decoctions, fruit drinks, etc.
  2. With active intestinal peristalsis, from the second day the patient is transferred to clinical nutrition. The duration of the regimen depends on the condition of the patient. It is recommended to stick to the diet for at least 7 days.
  3. After an independent stool, a standard diet is prescribed, where the list of foods allowed for consumption is significantly expanded.

All actions must be coordinated with the attending physician. Violation of the prescribed diet can cause a number of unpleasant complications.

How to eat in the postoperative period

The rehabilitation period after the removal of appendicitis is the same for both adults and children. Important:

  1. Follow the routine. After the operation, the patient is forced to lie down at all times. Bed rest negatively affects intestinal motility. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take allowed food in small portions.
  2. You can eat foods only boiled or steamed. The first three days after the operation, dishes should be served only in liquid and pureed form. On day 4, it is allowed to enter cereals, omelettes, mashed potatoes into the menu.
  3. The patient should gradually switch to the usual food. The temperature regime of the dishes should be observed. Everything should be served warm, otherwise the body may react with a spasm of the digestive organs. This will lead to uneven fusion and divergence of the seams.
  4. It is recommended to follow a salt-free diet. Only 8 g of salt is allowed per day. A high salt content in the body negatively affects the digestion of food, delaying decay products that the body does not need. As a result, the wound healing process slows down.
  5. Limit sweets. Glucose in the body can overload the digestive tract. Sweets can be replaced with bananas, marshmallows and baked apples.
  6. Do not drink alcohol. Under the influence of alcohol, the rehabilitation period increases. In an intoxicated state, metabolic processes slow down.

What can you eat after appendicitis surgery: 1st week

The first 12 hours after the operation, the patient moves away from anesthesia. It is forbidden to drink and consume something at this time. It is allowed to wet the lips with water or lemon juice.

The second day the diet is enriched with:

  • low-fat chicken broth;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • fruit jelly;
  • weak tea without added sugar.

A warm drink is recommended. Chamomile decoction is especially useful. It has antibacterial properties and has a positive effect on the healing process.

The menu of the third day consists of:

  • mashed potatoes and vegetables without butter and milk;
  • fat-free yogurt without sugar;
  • light soup puree or broth with herbs;

It is allowed to eat dietary meat in the form of crushed chicken fillet, rabbit meat or quail.

The fourth day includes:

  • buckwheat, rice or oatmeal with a small piece of butter;
  • a piece of boiled meat;
  • all kinds of vegetables;
  • kefir 1%;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • decoctions;
  • compotes;
  • lean fish.

All products must be taken warm. Hot or cold food can adversely affect the patient's condition.

In the following days, oranges, tangerines, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, any dried fruits, bananas are introduced into the diet with caution.

In the first week after surgery, you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. This should be pure water without gas and any dyes. Reception should be carried out 40 minutes before a meal or one hour after a meal.

Nutrition after appendix removal: the first month

It is important to follow a therapeutic diet for a month after laparoscopy. Food should be consumed only in boiled, steamed, liquid and mashed form. Frequent fractional meals up to 6 times a day, drink at least two liters of water per day.

Diet after appendectomy, what you can eat

  1. First courses are presented in the form of soups and broths. They are cooked in vegetable broth or water. It is allowed to add greens, potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, beets to the soup. Wash and grate vegetables first.
  2. Second courses are prepared from boiled and stewed vegetables. It can be mushrooms, vegetable omelet, casseroles. Meat and fish take only low-fat varieties.
  3. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge have a good effect on intestinal motility. They should be boiled in water or diluted milk.
  4. Fermented milk and dairy products are welcome: kefir 1%, yogurt, skim milk and cottage cheese.
  5. From sweets it is allowed to eat dried fruits, marshmallows.
  6. From fruits and berries you can citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries.
  7. Decoctions, compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, green tea.

After a month of therapeutic nutrition, you can slowly move on to your usual food.

Nutrition after appendicitis surgery: sample menu

  • the first breakfast begins with rice porridge boiled in water, yogurt, green tea;
  • second breakfast: dried fruit compote.
  • at lunch, the patient can be treated with meat broth, steam meatballs, oatmeal on the water, fruit jelly;
  • afternoon snack: decoction of wild rose;
  • for dinner, you can serve an omelette steamed with buckwheat porridge, green tea.
  • drink jelly before going to bed.

It is important to limit salt. A patient after surgery for appendicitis should consume no more than 8 grams of salt per day.

Consider the recipes for individual dishes that you can eat after surgery.

chicken broth

For cooking you will need:

  • low-fat pieces of chicken fillet;
  • grated carrots;
  • finely chopped onion;
  • some salt;
  • greenery.

Put all the ingredients except greens in boiling water and cook for an hour. Then strain, add greens, grind chicken meat with a blender. Serve together: broth with meat puree.

Meatballs with rice

You will need:

  • beef 100 gr;
  • rice 20 gr;
  • some salt.

The meat must be twisted 2-3 times through a meat grinder. Rinse rice thoroughly under running water, then boil. Combine minced meat with rice, salt a little, mix. Stick on meatballs and steam for 30-40 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

For cooking is used:

  • 300 gr of cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • 30 gr semolina;
  • 10 grams of sugar.

Mix everything. Lubricate the baking dish with a piece of butter and pour the curd mass there. Top can be decorated with fruits or berries approved by the doctor. It is recommended to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

Kissel from fruits

  • Any fruits or berries approved by the doctor;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 30 gr starch.

Add peeled and chopped fruits to boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove the boiled fruit and chop. Separately dissolve starch in water. Add fruit puree and starch to compote and mix well. Kissel is ready to eat.

What not to eat after appendicitis surgery

There is a list of foods that should not be consumed after appendix surgery. First of all, fried, fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods should be abandoned for two weeks. Also, foods that promote gas formation should be excluded from the diet.

Should be abandoned:

  • ketchup;
  • potatoes;
  • oily and salted fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • tomatoes;
  • borscht;
  • fish soup;
  • homemade milk;
  • cheese;
  • cabbage;
  • jams;
  • sweets;
  • condensed milk;
  • grapes;
  • grenade;
  • fast food;
  • watermelon and melon.

Food should be fortified and healthy for the body. A complete list of prohibited products must be prescribed by a specialist.

In case of violation of the diet or in case of overeating, in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms from the digestive tract, it is recommended to take enzyme preparations (pancreatin, gastenorm forte, panzinorm, normoenzyme, etc.).

Possible complications of non-compliance with the diet after laparoscopy

Compliance with a therapeutic diet after appendicitis surgery allows you to unload the body and facilitate the work of the digestive tract. This contributes to a quick recovery. In case of violation of the established nutrition, the process of restoring the body is complicated. The consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Complications after laparoscopy can manifest as:

  • peritonitis resulting from the divergence of the seams;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the accession of infections.

This kind of deterioration in health requires repeated surgical intervention. During the operation, neoplasms or adhesions that have arisen are removed. The rehabilitation period is more difficult.

In the surgical treatment of appendicitis complicated by peritonitis, the diet implies a transition from one treatment table to another. Extensive damage and long-term recovery of the digestive tract requires more sparing nutrition.

Diet after appendectomy in children

There are no special differences in the diet in adults and children after appendix surgery. It is important to remember that a child has a more vulnerable body and his digestive system is weaker than that of an adult. It is hard for kids to get used to healthy nutrition and they ask for various sweets. They do not want to understand that eating sweets and sweets can harm the body. Only from the 8th day after the operation they are introduced to the diet of marshmallows, bananas, dried fruits.


A sparing diet after an operation to remove the appendix implies a gradual rehabilitation of intestinal motility and strengthening the body as a whole. In 6-7 weeks, the sutures dissolve, and the muscle tissue is restored. You can return to your usual food one month after laparoscopy.
