How many stitches heal after abdominal surgery

After the operation, scars and stitches appear on the skin, which persist for a long time. The duration of their healing is determined by the general resistance of the body, the characteristics of the skin and other factors. The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent the development of infection, and to accelerate the regeneration process in all possible ways.

Stages of suture healing

After surgery on the abdomen and suturing, the healing process includes several stages

  1. Formation of collagen or connective tissue by fibroblasts. During the healing process, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. Fibroblasts migrate to the site of injury, and subsequently they bind to fibrillar structures through fibronectin. At the same time, the process of active synthesis of extracellular matrix substances begins, among which collagen is also present. The main task of collagen is to eliminate tissue defects and ensure the strength of the emerging scar.
  2. epithelialization of the wound. This process begins as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. After the end of epithelization, a kind of barrier for microorganisms is formed, and fresh wounds are characterized by low resistance to infections. A few days after the operation, in the absence of any complications, the wound restores its resistance to infection. In the event that this does not happen, then the cause may have been the divergence of the seam after the operation.
  3. Reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure. This result can be achieved due to the effect of wound contraction, which is to a certain extent caused by the contraction of myofibroblasts.

The healing period after surgery is largely determined by the characteristics of the human body. In some situations, this process occurs quite quickly, while in other patients it can take quite a long time.

Treatment of sutures after surgery

Before answering the question of how long the suture heals after abdominal surgery, it is necessary to understand what affects this process. One of the conditions for a successful result is considered to be the correct therapy after the patient has been stitched. In addition, the following factors influence the duration of the postoperative period:

  • sterility;
  • materials for processing seams;
  • the regularity of the procedure.

After surgery, one of the important requirements is the observance of sterility. This means that only well-washed hands using disinfected tools can be used to treat seams.

How are sutures treated after abdominal surgery, and what disinfectants are the most effective? In fact, the choice of this or that drug is determined by the nature of the injury, and for treatment you can use:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • brilliant green;
  • ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory action.

In the event that it is necessary to process postoperative sutures at home, then for this purpose you can use the following traditional medicine:

  • pure tea tree oil;
  • tincture of livestock roots from 20 grams of herbal remedy, 200 ml of water and 1 glass of alcohol;
  • cream with calendula extract, to which you can add a drop of orange or rosemary oil.

Before using such folk remedies at home, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

What influences healing?

The duration of wound healing after suturing depends on the following factors:

  • the age of the patient - in young people, tissue repair occurs much faster than in the elderly;
  • body weight - the wound healing process can slow down if a person is overweight or obese;
  • nutritional features - lack of energy and plastic material can affect the quality and speed of reparative processes in the wound;
  • dehydration - lack of fluid in the body can lead to electrolyte imbalance, which slows down the healing of stitches after surgery;
  • the state of blood supply - wound healing occurs much faster if there are a large number of vessels near it;
  • chronic pathologies can slow down the recovery process and cause various complications;
  • the state of immunity - with a decrease in the body's defenses, the prognosis of surgical intervention worsens and suppuration of wounds is possible.

The supply of the required amount of oxygen to the wound is considered one of the main conditions for wound healing, since it participates in the synthesis of collagen and helps to destroy bacteria by phagocytes. Anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the healing process in the first few days, but subsequently have little effect on this process.

One of the common reasons for the deterioration of the wound after surgery and the slowdown in the healing process is secondary infection, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.

Processing rules

In order for the healing of the sutures to take place as soon as possible without the development of complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect hands and tools that may be needed for its implementation;
  • you should carefully remove the applied bandage, and if it sticks to the skin, then pour it with peroxide;
  • you need to smear the seam with an antiseptic preparation using a cotton swab or gauze swab;
  • must be carefully bandaged.

It is important to remember that the seams should be treated twice a day, but if necessary, the number can be increased. In addition, it is necessary each time to carefully examine the wound for the presence of any inflammation in it. It is not recommended to remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound, as this can lead to scarring of the skin. Take a shower with care and do not rub the seam with a too hard sponge. In the event that the seams on the abdomen turn red or purulent exudate begins to stand out from them, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can decide when stitches are removed after abdominal surgery. This procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using special tools and usually 5-10 days after the operation.

Means for healing

In order to speed up the resorption and healing of sutures after surgery, antiseptic agents can be used at home. Experts recommend using them not for treating wet wounds, but already when the healing process has begun. The choice of one or another ointment depends on the nature of the damage and its depth. For shallow superficial wounds, the use of simple antiseptic agents is recommended, and with the development of complications, it is necessary to use preparations containing hormonal components.

How to remove a scar after abdominal surgery, and what ointments are considered the most effective when treating sutures?

  • Vishnevsky's ointment accelerates the removal of pus from the wound;
  • Levomekol has a combined effect;
  • Vulnuzan contains natural ingredients and is easy to use;
  • Levosin destroys bacteria and stops the inflammatory process;
  • Stellanin helps to get rid of tissue swelling and destroy infections, and also accelerates skin regeneration;
  • Argosulfan has a pronounced bactericidal effect and helps to achieve an analgesic effect;
  • Actovegin successfully fights the inflammatory process in the wound;
  • Solcoseryl minimizes the risk of scars and scars.

Such medicines, when used correctly, help speed up the wound healing process after surgery and avoid infection. It is important to remember that before smearing a postoperative suture on the abdomen, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The fact is that self-treatment of postoperative sutures can result in severe suppuration of the wound and its further inflammation. Compliance with simple rules is the key to successful treatment of postoperative sutures and helps to prevent the formation of scars.
