Rehabilitation for pancreatitis

The disease is defeated, the course of medication is over, and only one question remains - how to recover from an attack of pancreatitis? Doctors answer it this way: rehabilitation after such a complex disease takes time, effort and desire. You will have to get used to a new type of diet, lifestyle and other circumstances, without which the treatment will not have an effect. By giving up junk food and bad habits, the patient guarantees himself recovery and getting rid of the disease.

What is pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a disease directly related to pancreatic dysfunction. In the digestive system, this organ is far from the last place in importance, therefore, the cessation of its work in a normal, habitual rhythm worsens the condition of the human body as a whole.

The pancreas produces enzymes and hormones, without which the existence of a living creature of a complex organization is impossible in the body. Inflamed tissue of the organ is a sure sign of the disease. Before the start of treatment, cell destruction occurs in the structure of the pancreas, which leads to the development of the underlying disease and the appearance of side symptoms.

What is pancreatitis

Specialists distinguish several types of the disease:

  1. hereditary pancreatitis. The main sign is that the disease manifests itself even in young people.
  2. Postoperative - occurs as a consequence of surgical intervention in the peritoneal cavity.
  3. Acute pancreatitis is a literal self-digestion of the gland itself. Often this disorder manifests itself along with dysfunction of the gallbladder. The treatment process includes a complete refusal to eat. This is especially true when the patient is experiencing the most unpleasant of the symptoms - vomiting.
  4. Reactive - expressed in the form of wave-like attacks of pain. It often appears as a result of gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis and other diseases.
  5. Chronic form. It proceeds slowly, but in the future this insidious infection can progress to diseases of an unprecedented scale - this type of pancreatitis is more likely to develop than others. Its appearance is marked by a transition from the state of an acute illness to a chronic one, especially with an incomplete course of treatment or the appearance of relapses.
  6. Alcoholic pancreatitis is a disease caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages over a period of time. Treatment is based on a short-term hunger strike, the "Table No. 5" diet with the introduction of protein products and the consumption of medications.

Important! Never self-diagnose. Pancreatitis, the prevention and rehabilitation of which can be done at home, in an acute form requires mandatory monitoring by specialists and drug treatment prescribed taking into account all risks and factors.

Chronic pancreatitis

This type of inflammation of the pancreas is given a little more attention than the rest, since it is important to let readers understand how to prevent the condition when the disease comes out of remission.

The chronic form of the disease occurs against the background of a decrease in the production of enzymes caused by dysfunction of the affected organ, and general disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract system. People aged 30-65 are mostly susceptible to the disease. Rehabilitation in chronic pancreatitis is a long and responsible process. It is important for him to devote enough time and effort to ensure that the disease does not become active again.

Outbreaks of inflammation due to a sluggish disease (which, however, is subject to drug treatment) can only occur through the fault of a person. This happens when the rules of the diet are violated or the treatment ceases to have an effect (for example, medication is stopped).

Help with pancreatitis

The patient noticed signs of the disease, the doctors made a diagnosis - what next? Finally, it's time for a lifestyle change. To overcome any ailment, a person must necessarily optimize his body to fight the problem. In order to do this, doctors have proposed a list with the basic, basic rules of nutrition and lifestyle:

  1. Giving up bad habits is a panacea; an effective remedy with which any correct course of treatment of something begins;
  2. Sanatorium-resort treatment after taking a course of medication. A great way to improve your body and soul, do what you love and breathe air free from city dust;
  3. Close attention to nutrition and diet. Diet is a necessary condition for the rehabilitation of patients with pancreatitis. You will have to eat 5 times a day boiled and baked dishes;
  4. Water - mineral, heated, without gases and often;
  5. Refusal of alcoholic beverages.  

The fulfillment of all these conditions will necessarily lead to a partial recovery and getting rid of unpleasant symptoms. However, it is completely possible to recover completely only when compliance with the rules is made a way of life, and not some kind of imposed duty, especially when it comes to rehabilitation after acute pancreatitis.

How long to recover after an attack of pancreatitis

Recovery from such diseases is a long and difficult process. Often a full recovery is not possible, but getting rid of the symptoms and organizing a normal course of life is possible for sure. It is impossible to find out on the Internet how much the pancreas recovers after an attack of pancreatitis. The answer to this question is given only by the attending physician. Only he knows where the focus of inflammation was in a particular patient and whether the tissues of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200ba tender organ are subject to restoration.


More details about what is a diet to restore the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis will be discussed here. Nutrition is one of the most important factors influencing the success of rehabilitation. The essence of the diet is to minimize the level of secretion of enzymes in the patient's body. This is necessary in order to unload the gland prone to dysfunction. For this, restrictions are imposed on the daily diet of the patient:

  1. The amount of fatty foods consumed is reduced or completely reduced to zero;
  2. Absence of dishes in the process of preparation of which spices (spices, pepper) and seasonings were used;
  3. Taboo on tobacco and alcohol products without any concessions.

In the process of rehabilitation for pancreatitis, an important role is played not only by how you eat, but also by what you eat. Below is a list of foods recommended for consumption during the diet.

  1. Meat - veal and veal liver, tongue; beef, chicken;
  2. Fish - pike perch, red fish - ideal for patients with pancreatitis;
  3. Not all vegetables are good for pancreatic diseases. It is better to limit the diet to the consumption of pumpkin, carrots and beets;
  4. The best drink is light herbal teas.


Water therapy is a popular practice used to restore digestion. However, you should be careful: without achieving remission, mineral water will only worsen the condition! At a time when there is no exacerbation, it is advised to use water saturated with useful elements for medicinal purposes. Moscow and Slavic water, as well as the famous Essentuki, are best suited. The course of treatment is short and in its maximum value hardly reaches a month. An interesting fact is that all consumed water with minerals is necessarily warmed up to the temperature of the human body, and often more than it.


It is also possible to resort to this method of rehabilitation only in a state of remission. Specialists will most likely prescribe treatment with mud (galvanic mud, diathermo mud). The procedure looks like applying mud to special areas of the abdomen, along the zones of innervation.

Medicines needed for recovery

Preparations for the restoration of the pancreas in pancreatitis are prescribed to each patient. They are needed in order to restore the normal functioning of the glands of external and internal secretion, in order to protect themselves from new manifestations of pancreatitis. Often, courses of treatment with "Pancreatin", "Creon" are prescribed, which with some frequency will have to be repeated again and again.

Endocrine function can also be impaired, and there is a risk of re-diabetes. To prevent this largely unpleasant phenomenon, hypoglycemic drugs are usually prescribed - glidiab, januvia and others.

When choosing medicines on your own, give preference to proven remedies that not only eliminate symptoms, but also restore the affected pancreatic tissue.


For those people who have overcome pancreatitis, recovery is an important part of the life journey. To prevent an exacerbation from happening, not to turn the disease into a chronic status, while following the advice, diets and a healthy lifestyle, in fact, it is quite simple. Giving up alcohol and cigarettes, putting proper nutrition into your life is not at all difficult. The ease of living without disease is much more important than the temporary pleasure (and bad habits are actually a rather dubious way to get pleasant sensations) from taking poison in the form of fatty foods and red wine.
