Laparoscopy of the gallbladder: postoperative period

Laparoscopic surgeries are becoming increasingly popular, replacing conventional surgery. Their advantage lies in creating the least invasiveness, as well as in reducing the rehabilitation period. The leader in the number of operations performed per year is cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder).

Laparoscopy of the gallbladder

The laparoscopic method of gallbladder removal is carried out using a technology that avoids open intervention, which is its main difference from classical surgery.
Such an intervention allows you to create one significant advantage - rehabilitation after removal of the gallbladder in this way is much easier. In order to have an idea about the features that abound in the postoperative period, it is necessary to understand the principle of the effect produced.
The operation is carried out as follows:
- by means of four trocars, the surgeon gets full access to the required site;
Places of introduction of trocars, as a result, will be reflected by four punctures, the healing of which occurs quite quickly.
Since the puncture sites do not come into contact with systems, the impact on which may have any side effect, the only inconvenience that follows them is cosmetic defects. - one of the trocars, the introduction of which is carried out first, is lowered into the incision, which is carried out along the white line of the navel.
Subsequently, it is through it that the gallbladder will be removed. Thus, being the largest incision, it will account for a large share of discomfort during the rehabilitation period.

Goals of rehabilitation

The main goal of rehabilitation is recovery after the operation. Recovery should be understood as the stabilization of the physical condition, as well as resocialization and entry into the phase of an active life rhythm.

In the period after the removal of the gallbladder, it is necessary to have some psychological preparation.
Since the gallbladder is the reservoir of bile in the body, it plays a significant role in the digestive process. Food, after entering the stomach, is mixed with bile. Thus, the body receives additional conditions that contribute to high-quality digestion, which provides bile. It should be noted that the intake of bile, when mixed with food, occurs in portions. Its release can be compared to a sharp injection, which, under pressure, directs the required amount of bile. In the absence of the possibility of such an impact, the digestive system cannot function as before. There is a need to make certain adjustments, with the help of which the patient will be able to comply with the rules of maintaining the body in the correct state. Changes in eating habits, as well as certain restrictions, can significantly affect the mental state of the patient. Therefore, there is a need to create a knowledge base, on the basis of which, he will understand the processes occurring for a given period of time in the body. From their understanding, the basis of the paradigm will follow, which will be responsible for the quality of future rehabilitation.

The terms of the duration of rehabilitation and its features

Treatment after removal of the gallbladder is a thorough and lengthy process.
Speaking of laparoscopic surgery, the hospital stay is about 1-2 days. The patient is then discharged home. From the point of view of creating new eating habits, this situation is not correct. A certain period is needed for observation by specialists who will be able to suggest errors and indicate the right direction. Laparoscopy of the gallbladder and its postoperative period, in general, is about 1 year.
This period includes various stages, due to which the body begins to function differently. Since the transition to other norms of food intake is the main one, special attention should be paid to it.
One of the problems is the need to create a fractional power supply system. This need is caused by the state of the body in which the intake of a large amount of food is not possible, in terms of digestion. If this rule is not followed, food will not be digested. The result will be a lack of saturation of the cells of the body with nutrients. It is important to create a portioned load on digestion. So, one meal that you had before should be divided into 3-4 parts. The main postulate of nutrition is a snack every 3 hours. It is this time period that will help the body get the necessary nutrients without creating an excessive burden on the digestive system. The regimen should in no way contribute to an excessive concentration of bile. Another side that should also be affected is physical activity. Any physical activity in the first month after laparoscopy should be completely excluded. This need is due to the following:

  • muscle tone has not yet returned to normal;
  • there is a possibility of internal bleeding;
  • discomfort is possible, since surgery with the removal of an internal organ cannot go unnoticed by other body systems;
  • since digestion is not yet fully established, there is a risk of additional problems associated with saturation of the body.

Methods for selecting the main line of rehabilitation

When choosing methods of rehabilitation after laparoscopy, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • required mode of activity;
  • initial condition of the patient;
  • presence/absence of any additional diseases.

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy

The recommendations obtained by studying rehabilitation practices are always taken as the basis for compiling an individual rehabilitation line.
By analyzing them and bringing them together with a picture of the patient's condition, an individual technique is obtained. The first step is to introduce a new diet.
Each product is introduced gradually, since after laparoscopy the digestive system cannot function as before. Each patient's reaction to the same product can be strikingly different. The introduction must begin with the smallest portions. After each portion, the observation mode begins. In order for the picture to be as clear as possible, it is recommended to record your feelings by writing them down in a food notebook. Later, thanks to the notes, you can draw up a correct nutrition schedule, consisting of foods that are easily perceived by your body. During the introduction of a new menu after laparoscopy, do not forget about the basic postulates of the rehabilitation period:

  • the exclusion of fatty foods, as its digestion can be difficult;
  • it is advisable to exclude salt from food, or leave it at the lowest dosage;
  • give up all sweets;
  • focus on cooked foods;
  • as side dishes, give preference to boiled vegetables;
  • use fruits for snacks.

Such a diet will allow not to burden the postoperative body, helping it get used to the new state of affairs.

Subtleties of rehabilitation at home

What to do in order to comply with the biliary regimen prescribed by doctors at home?! The main postulates can be considered:

  • compliance with the correct diet;
  • lack of physical activity.

Physical exercises are introduced gradually after 3 months

Difficulties can occur if the patient does not live alone.
If we are talking about, say, the mother of the family, who has to prepare large amounts of food for her family every day, an additional complication arises. During the first weeks after giving up the usual food line, most foods cause an irresistible desire. In order to psychologically alleviate such an attraction, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition for a month. Almost all patients claim that after the transition and abstinence for a certain period of time from junk food, the body begins to react to it in a completely different way. So, mayonnaise that once seemed delicious becomes incredibly greasy and unpleasant in taste. The absence of various chemical additives in food significantly improves the general background of health. In order to make the temptation to eat classic food a thing of the past, it is advisable to prepare your diet in advance. Do not forget that it should consist of small portions.
The ideal option would be to pack them in containers. Such a solution will allow you to always have a portion with you without problems, and facilitate its use. Regarding physical activity, one should understand the seriousness of their effect on the body. So, if you absolutely need to move something, etc., you should ask for help. Your body will be able to catch up with the full physical form only after a year. Speaking about the beginning of physical recovery, the first exercises can be taken 3 months after the operation. These include exercises that do not involve the abdominal cavity. Press exercises will be safe only after half a year from the date of the operation.

Additional rehabilitation methods

Since laparoscopy is an operation that leaves certain traces of surgical intervention on the body, skin rehabilitation should also be considered. The consequences will be expressed by four small incisions, shaped like the outline of a square. Mesotherapy is quite applicable to such small scars. This method, due to a significant increase in blood flow, as well as with the help of microdamages, enhances tissue regeneration. As a result, the healed cells are eliminated, providing a platform for the growth of healthy skin. Regarding the complete elimination, we use a laser. Its impact allows one year after the operation to completely eliminate its visual consequences.

Thus, the postoperative period of gallbladder removal can be effective and painless. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.
