Diet after poisoning in children

From poisoning caused by the use of poor-quality food, neither adults nor children are insured. The child is susceptible to infections, his immunity is not able to overcome the harmful effects of dangerous parasites, bacteria, viruses. A poisoned organism is in dire need of cleansing and restoration, it needs additional strength. You can get them through properly organized nutrition.

Diet after poisoning in children is a topic that worries many nutritionists, parents and educators with the following problems:

  • how to feed a child after poisoning;
  • what products will help to overcome the disease;
  • what should not be included in the children's diet, so as not to aggravate the course of recovery.

Appointment and the need for a diet

Any organism, especially children's, needs help and careful attitude when leaving a painful state. For some time, injured organs are not able to digest the usual food. Everything that a child can eat after poisoning is designed to contribute to:

  • speedy recovery without overloading the digestive system;
  • contain substances that relieve inflammation;
  • ensure their most sparing effect on the intestines and stomach;
  • restore water-salt balance.

What should be the nutrition of the child after poisoning and vomiting

Many parents think about how to feed their child during the recovery period. In order not to harm, you must strictly adhere to certain rules.

  1. Within 20-30 hours from the first manifestation of the disease, doctors recommend that patients refrain from any food, but be sure to drink as much as possible. There is no better remedy in the fight against the consequences of poisoning and the removal of all poisons and toxins from the body than drinking plenty of water. Even if the victim refuses to drink a lot, he is encouraged to do so and even forced to drink fluids as much as possible.
  2. An established drinking regime, which included ordinary drinking water, mineral water without gas, warm tea infusion (green teas are good), decoctions (rose hips, chamomile, blueberries, black currants, St. John's wort, etc.), rehydron solution (purchased at a pharmacy), helps in a speedy recovery.
  3. If the patient suffers from lack of appetite, it is not recommended to force him to eat, so as not to worsen his well-being.
  4. The diet after food poisoning involves the organization of fractional nutrition - meals and at least 6-7 times a day, in small portions, in a hurry to increase the volume of which scientists do not recommend, even if the child expresses a desire to eat more. Recommendations allow a gradual increase in the portion eaten by the child, starting from the 4th day of a strict diet.
  5. It is advisable to include meals that take into account the food preferences of the child, if they do not contradict the requirements of a healthy diet and are recommended by convalescent doctors
  6. The general attitude of specialists about what can be fed to a child after poisoning in the acute period requires that the food be light, preferably liquid, containing mashed, mechanically crushed foods. The use of industrial canned baby food after food poisoning in children and adults has proven itself well.
  7. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a balanced diet for recovery, in compliance with the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates recommended by nutritionists. At the same time, a number of suggestions and restrictions should be taken into account when choosing what you can eat after food poisoning for a child without harming his state of health.
  8. When the main symptoms of the disease are defeated, a menu for the recovery period after poisoning should be drawn up for the child, taking into account the causes, features and consequences of the intoxication.

When determining dietary dishes for children after poisoning, which contribute to a speedy recovery, it is worth giving undeniable primacy to cereals containing carbohydrates that are necessary and harmless to the body. It is with porridges, preferably of a mucous consistency, cooked in water, that they begin to feed all convalescents. Then, other products from the usual menu are carefully introduced into the therapeutic diet in small doses. All of them must undergo thorough cooking, be crushed and added gradually in minimal quantities. It is impossible to completely abandon the protein contained in animal meat during this period, but it should be introduced into the menu with caution, as well as sour-milk and curd products not earlier than on the third day. Recommended easily digestible types of lean meats (turkey, chicken, veal) and fish must be thoroughly cooked.

In order to quickly restore the acid-base balance in the affected digestive organs, you should not completely refuse to consume fats during the recovery period. Experts advise to reduce the generally accepted rate of their consumption to 20%, and give preference to vegetable fats.

When determining what to eat after poisoning, a child under the age of one must also follow the basic rule - as much liquid as possible. On the first day of illness, reduce the feeding ration of infants by half, remove all complementary foods, leaving it only on mother's milk. Children on artificial feeding are restored with mixtures on the water. You need to feed when the baby requires. Complementary foods begin with soups and cereals cooked in water. With good health from 3-4 days from the onset of the disease in the child's menu after poisoning and vomiting, the amount of food consumed can be increased to the usual volume. From the 5-6th day of dieting, you can cook cereals in milk diluted with water, start feeding vegetable puree, boiled meat. Food should not contain hot spices, consumed in a warm state.

The content of products in the menu for one-year-old and older children should be gradually expanded to the level of the general table, taking into account their individual characteristics.

So, what can a child eat after poisoning, what foods are recommended in the recovery period menu:

  • vegetable broths (cooked using cauliflower, carrots, broccoli);
  • viscous, slimy cereals, from rice, buckwheat, semolina (boiled in water or with the addition of milk);
  • low-fat meat broths with noodles, buckwheat, rice;
  • potatoes, in order not to aggravate the symptoms of the disease, it is advised to include them in the menu no earlier than on the third day of the recovery period, using it in soups and mashed potatoes;
  • be careful to offer kefir, low-fat yoghurts and curds;
  • you should not rush with milk, food for a child after poisoning with viruses that enter the body through the mouth should not contain dairy products until complete recovery;
  • from fruits it is allowed to eat bananas, baked apples;
  • fried meat and fish are strictly prohibited: they can only be given in boiled or baked form.

Some foods negatively affect the intestinal microflora, delaying recovery. Therefore, a ban has been established on the content in the recovery menu of fatty, salty and spicy dishes, barley and pearl barley, sweet and flour-based yeast, canned foods.

Sausages, chips, candy products and chocolate can be given to children only after complete recovery.

Contraindications also apply to beets, sauerkraut, radishes, cucumbers, beans and peas, lentils, fatty fish and meat. It is forbidden to eat raw vegetables and fruits, herbs, citrus fruits, plums, grapes.

Summing up, it should be noted that the recovery period after food poisoning in children is quite long: from a week to three. Even if the child soon feels better, it is recommended to follow the diet for 3 to 4 weeks.

Compliance with the basic principles and advice on organizing a regimen and diet, undoubtedly, contributes to the absence of relapses and a quick recovery.

Diet after food poisoning - video
