Diet after surgery for perforated duodenal ulcer

Following a diet after surgery for a perforated duodenal ulcer is one of the highlights in the rehabilitation period. The duodenum regulates the production of not only digestive juices, but also pancreatic enzymes. Vitamins are absorbed in it, protein elements, fats and carbohydrates are broken down, hormones are synthesized. After the operation, it is necessary to provide the body with a sparing regimen so that it can adapt to new conditions and restore its functionality to the full extent. In this article, you can learn about a diet that will ensure an adequate mode of operation of the duodenum.

Nutrition in the first days after surgery

The long course of duodenal ulcer can be complicated by perforation, which is a hole. Through this hole, the entire contents of the small intestine is poured into the abdominal cavity.

The reasons for this condition are:

  • non-compliance with adequate therapy and a rational diet;
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa by the bacterium Helycobacter pylori;
  • medicines (sulfanil antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs - aspirin, ketolac, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The main and only way to treat a perforated ulcer is surgical closure of the ulcer.

In the first 2 days after surgery, the patient should not eat anything. Medical personnel carry out postoperative rehabilitation of the body, aimed at preventing complications and creating adequate working conditions for the operated organ. Carry out antiulcer, antimicrobial and detoxification measures.

To maintain the work of all organs and metabolic processes, the patient is transferred to parenteral nutrition. Nutrients are administered through catheters or intravenously.

The next day after the operation, the patient can drink water in small sips in the range of 100-200 ml. Every day, the drinking regimen should be increased until the peristaltic function of the intestine is fully restored.

2-3 days after the suturing of the perforated ulcer, dietary broths and cereals of a semi-liquid consistency are introduced into the meal. A week later, vegetable purees, steam cutlets from dietary meat, fish are gradually added.

Basic diet rules in the first weeks after surgery

In order to minimize the risk of complications after surgery, the following dietary rules must be observed:

  1. Cooking food should be only steam, go through the stages of grinding and grinding. Products can be boiled, but their broth cannot be used.
  2. Food should be freshly cooked and warm.
  3. Food should contain animal proteins and fats that have a building function for the progressive healing of a sutured ulcer.
  4. Nutrition consists of several meals (during the day about 6-8 times) in small portions.
  5. You can not cook food in butter and vegetable oil.
  6. It is forbidden to overeat and skip meals.
  7. It is necessary to exclude spices and salt from dishes.
  8. You can't drink alcohol.
  9. It is forbidden to use in the diet products that increase gas formation in the intestines.

Prohibited Products

Foods that increase the work of the digestive tract, contribute to excessive formation of gases in the small and large intestines should be excluded from eating after surgery.

Do not use for cooking:

  • dairy products in any form (milk, kefir, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurts);
  • cabbage of any varieties and types;
  • legumes;
  • onion;
  • radish;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines);
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • whole grain products (baking);
  • nuts, seeds;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces;
  • all cereals, except rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and semolina.

Carbonated drinks, fruits (grapes, apples, bananas), pickled vegetables and fruits, pickles, compotes, sweets, chewing gums, smoked meats, fried foods, coffee, strong tea, chips, crackers should be excluded from the diet.

Drinking regime

On the 2-3rd day of the postoperative period, the patient should begin to observe the drinking regimen. During the second day, you need to start drinking 1 teaspoon for 30 minutes of warm water purified from impurities. Children's water used for babies under 1 year old is most suitable. For 3-4 days, depending on the general condition of the patient, on the recommendation of a doctor, the patient is allowed to drink jelly, a decoction of wild rose.

Rosehip broth is easy to prepare. It is necessary in the evening to add 20-30 g of fresh rose hips to a container with cold water (200-300 ml). The next day, bring the infused liquid to a boil, and then cool to room temperature. The decoction should not be taken on an empty stomach. It is best to drink it at lunchtime and in the evening.

Patients need to drink more high-calorie drink in the form of a weak broth made from dietary meat of chicken, rabbit or turkey. When preparing the broth, salt, black pepper and other spices should not be added.

With an enveloping purpose, the patient can eat jelly for food. It shouldn't be cold.

The amount of fluid you drink should be within 2-3 liters per day.

Diet therapy for 4-7 days after perforated ulcer surgery

For 4-5 days, the patient can be introduced into the diet of food products. Food should consist of proteins and vegetables.

The patient is advised to eat:

  • thick soups of boiled vegetables with chopped cereals;
  • cereals of semi-liquid and liquid consistency;
  • boiled egg whites in the form of a "steamed omelet";
  • fish soufflé or lean meat.

Low-fat varieties of fish include: pike, bream, pike perch, carp and other types of fish.

Dietary meats include: beef, chicken, turkey, veal.

Attention! The diet after a duodenal ulcer with bleeding should be more gentle. In this regard, the diet from 8 to 30 days should be of the type of diet for 4-5 days. About the features of the diet and the expansion of the diet, the patient must necessarily consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Diet from 8 to 30 days

Improving the patient's condition after surgery and the absence of complications allow expanding the boundaries of the diet. Meals should be fractional and include multi-component meals. Puree soups on diluted broths, vegetable purees, baked meat and fish dishes in the oven, cottage cheese in a small amount should be gradually used as food.

Bakery products and easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, chocolate, cakes, pastries) should also be excluded in this period. You can eat rye bread crackers cooked in the oven yourself.

After 2 weeks, you can eat soft-boiled eggs, dishes cooked in a small amount of butter and vegetable oil. You can drink tea with milk, eat pumpkin and carrot casseroles. As an afternoon snack, you can eat fruits such as bananas or pears. Soups can include potatoes, beets, carrots. Acidic fruits and vegetables can be eaten with caution only 2-3 months after surgical treatment.

As desserts, it is best to use soufflé, jelly, mousse desserts from allowed fruits. After 2 months, you can eat dark chocolate, low-fat yogurt, butter cookies.

Diet duration

A strict diet must be followed for 3-6 months postoperatively. The duration of the diet for each patient is individual. It is associated with compensatory mechanisms specific to each person. The absence of complications after surgery, recurrence of peptic ulcer, young age, high regeneration of the duodenal mucosa and rapidly progressive recovery of its functions allow dieting within 3 months. After their completion, it does not mean that the patient can begin to abuse fatty fried foods, bakery products, alcoholic beverages and smoking. The patient can try in small quantities certain dishes that were previously prohibited. The patient should not overeat and skip meals.

The complicated course of the disease in the postoperative period obliges to follow a diet for a longer period. For some patients who are at high risk of developing a recurrence of the disease, the diet is not limited to 6 months or one year. Diet becomes their way of life.

If you experience constipation, you should consult a nutritionist. It is he who will be able to choose the right diet, excluding foods that cause stool disorders.

Sample diet menu

Nutrition after removal of a duodenal ulcer should be divided into 6 meals. Meals are provided fractionally, every 3 hours.

Meals: first breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, second dinner.

Menu for the first breakfast:

  1. Protein omelette, weak tea without sugar, with honey.
  2. Rice porridge with crackers, green tea.
  3. Oatmeal, rosehip broth.
  4. Rice porridge with milk, low-fat yogurt.

Menu for second breakfast:

  1. Low-fat chicken or rabbit broth.
  2. Cream soup made from pumpkin, carrots or fish.
  3. Jelly and green tea.
  4. Banana or pear (1-2 months after surgery).


  1. Steam chicken / fish cutlet, grated mashed potatoes, rosehip broth.
  2. Steamed beef meatballs, pumpkin porridge, jelly.
  3. Ukha with unleavened bread, compote.
  4. Rabbit meat baked without spices with grated vegetables (zucchini, carrots), tea with lemon balm.

afternoon tea

  1. Low-fat broth, rye bread cracker, fruit drink.
  2. Oatmeal soup with vegetables, weak tea.
  3. Pureed buckwheat porridge with milk, tea with milk.
  4. Pumpkin or carrot puree with unleavened bread, low-fat yogurt.


  1. Mashed potatoes, vegetable steam pancakes, warm fruit drink.
  2. Fish soup from zander or bream with vegetables, crackers, berry juice.
  3. Beef broth, dried bread, chamomile tea.

Second dinner

  1. Low-fat kefir.
  2. Fat-free yogurt.
  3. Fruit jelly.

This menu should help with the choice of the patient, depending on his individual preferences. You can combine certain dishes in different ways, but you should not forget the main rules of cooking for a diet with duodenal ulcer.

Compliance with the diet after surgery for perforated duodenal ulcer is a key moment in the rapid recovery of the body after surgery. Normalization of digestion, improvement of enzymatic processes and stabilization of the organ is fully provided by diet therapy and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. After the operation, patients are registered with a gastroenterologist. Preventive examinations should be carried out at least once a month in order to monitor changes in the body in dynamics and to correct the diet.
