How to handle stitches after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is a low-traumatic method of surgical intervention or examination of the peritoneal organs. The advantages of such an operation are considered to be a quick recovery period, as well as the absence of the need to take analgesics and painkillers during the recovery period. After laparoscopy on the body, instead of scars, inconspicuous dots from the seams remain. In order to prevent infection, it is necessary to monitor the wound and properly care for the sutures. You can find out how to process stitches after laparoscopy from a specialist.

How are sutures treated after laparoscopy?

After laparoscopy, a wound is formed on the patient's body, which needs mandatory treatment. This avoids the ingress of various microorganisms into it and accelerates its healing. After laparoscopy, suture treatment can be performed up to several times a day, depending on the condition of the wound. With the development of dangerous complications and infection in the wound, treatment is carried out using solutions of antibacterial action.

After such a surgical intervention, the sutures are removed no earlier than after 7 days, but the specialist makes such a decision, taking into account the patient's condition. In the event that the healing of the sutures after laparoscopy is too slow, then they are properly cared for, and they are removed only after a month.

When using self-absorbable sutures during laparoscopy, the sutures do not need to be removed after the operation. Most often, such threads are applied to the mucous and soft tissues during operations in the field of gynecology and plastic surgery.

Seam care products

Scar care after surgery is carried out with the help of special tools that can be purchased at the pharmacy. The seam after laparoscopy must be disinfected, and such a procedure may require hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, cotton swabs, gauze and postoperative patches.

It is not recommended to process sutures on your own after laparoscopy at home using a medical material such as cotton wool. This is due to the fact that its remnants can remain at the edges of the scars, and this can provoke the development of an inflammatory process. When disinfecting wounds after such an operation at home, it is best to use gauze swabs or a bandage that must be rolled up.

Before starting the treatment procedure, you need to wash your hands well and disinfect them with a special solution. The wound should be opened, well inspected and remembered that no liquid should accumulate in it. When isolating an ichor, it is imperative to seek medical help, which allows you to avoid various complications.

A dry wound after laparoscopy should be treated according to the following scheme:

  • a sterile bandage is rolled up into a roller, moistened with an alcohol solution and the scar is carefully treated with it;
  • the entire wound and existing dimples should be disinfected, and then allow the skin to dry a little.

If during the procedure such unpleasant sensations as burning and pain appear, additional processing of the sutures after laparoscopy with a hypertonic solution will be required. To do this, the gauze bandage is moistened in the drug, after which it is applied to the seam and sealed with a plaster on top.

In the absence of any pain and burning, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in brilliant green, lubricate the seams with it, apply a sterile bandage and stick a patch.

Often, specialists allow patients not to seal the wound after it has been treated. This is explained by the fact that in the air it heals rather, but in this case it is necessary to protect the scar from various injuries and damage.

After such an operative intervention, in addition to the usual care, which involves the treatment of the wound with antiseptic agents, preventive measures are taken. With their help, it is possible to avoid scarring of the tissue at the puncture site, and such care requires the use of special gels and ointments.

Gel Curiosin contains in its composition such an active substance as zinc hyaluronate. It allows you to achieve a bactericidal effect and prevent the inflammatory process in the tissues. In addition, zinc hyaluronate regulates the formation of new cells, accelerates their movement in the wound and prevents their scarring. After tightening wounds after laparoscopy, instead of Curiosin gel, Contractubex ointment or another medication is used that has a softening effect on scars. This drug has an antiseptic effect and helps soften the skin.

Even after removing the threads from the scars, special care will be required for several more days. After removing the threads, the treatment of the resulting scar lasts about 7 days, and the attending physician will tell you how to carry out such a procedure.

After a shower, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and smeared with brilliant green. This procedure must be carried out after each shower, not forgetting that even a small scar, if an infection enters it, can cause dangerous complications.

How can you get rid of scars?

When an ugly scar appears after laparoscopic intervention, complex treatment should be carried out. It is unlikely to completely get rid of the scar, but it is possible to make it not so noticeable and smooth. Keloid scars that appear after surgery can be eliminated in the following ways:

  1. Corticosteroids are hormonal agents that allow the patient's body to quickly adapt to changing conditions. Steroids are injected into the puncture site, and this treatment helps prevent scarring of the tissue.
  2. Silicone dressings are considered an effective method of therapy, which are used to eliminate scars after laparoscopy. Such plates are superimposed on the formed wound immediately after its healing, and they need to be worn during the day.
  3. When exposed to a laser on a wound, it is possible to smooth out the scar, make it less noticeable and not injure adjacent tissues. It is recommended to resort to this method of removing scars after laparoscopy only a year after the performed laparoscopy.
  4. Freezing by cold allows you to get rid of the scar and such treatment is carried out using liquid nitrogen. In fact, cryotherapy gives a positive result only when fresh scars are eliminated.

The main reason for the occurrence of atrophic scars after laparoscopic intervention is considered to be an insufficient amount of collagen fibers that are produced at the puncture site. This leads to the appearance of a scar that sinks into the peritoneal region and causes the formation of a hole. You can make an atrophic scar less noticeable in the following ways:

  • Biorevitalization is the introduction of fillers containing hyaluronic acid under the skin;
  • Dermabrasion is a mechanical peeling, during which the scar is erased with special brushes;
  • Desotherapy involves the introduction of special drugs under the scar.

It is important to remember that in the first time after laparoscopy, the puncture site should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Knowing the patient how to handle sutures after laparoscopy allows them to be almost invisible and neat. With the formation of a scar, it is possible to solve problems with the help of effective methods of correction, which are selected by a specialist.

Stitches after laparoscopy - video
