diet after diarrhea

Since diarrhea occurs due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, the main task of dietary nutrition is to restore peristalsis and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Many foods should not be consumed with loose stools. Certain foods are completely contraindicated, they can increase intestinal upset. What you can eat after diarrhea and what should be discarded can be found in this article.

What is the danger of liquid stool

In addition to physical discomfort, diarrhea causes significant harm to the body. Along with digested foods, diarrhea eliminates useful substances, trace elements necessary for the proper functioning of digestion, leading to a change in the intestinal microflora.

Therefore, in order to prevent possible complications, the main task of treatment is to replenish the reserves of lost trace elements.

Today, there are many different medications available to treat watery stools. But none of them will give an effect if you do not adhere to and do not know what you can eat after diarrhea for an adult.

Nutritional norms

In order to quickly restore the intestinal microflora after diarrhea, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules. The main thing is proper nutrition and mode of consumption.

How to eat after diarrhea and what is important to do:

  • before eating, wash your hands with soap and water (if this is not possible, you can use antibacterial wipes);
  • avoid visiting bars, cafes during such a period (it is not known what quality of the dish is there);
  • when cooking, you must carefully monitor the expiration date, even slightly spoiled fruits, vegetables should be excluded; this also applies to dairy products;
  • the danger of diarrhea is dehydration of the body, so you need to restore the water balance;
  • delete spicy, salty, fried foods from your menu;
  • you can not take cold / hot food, a temperature regime of 55-65 ° C is possible;
  • between each meal should pass at least 2.5 hours; try to eat at least 5 times a day, but little by little;
  • what to eat after diarrhea: consume fermented milk products once a day;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • exclude dry food in order to prevent violations of the digestive mucosa;
  • take boiled, steamed or stewed dishes.

A separate cutting board should be used for each product. Nutrition during diarrhea and after diarrhea should be special, do not eat unwashed vegetables, fruits, greens. It would be preferable to treat them with boiled water, so pathogenic microbes will be killed.

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The diet after diarrhea and vomiting in adults should be sparing, since the intestines at this moment are in a pathological state, excessive stress will only harm it. In the acute period of pathology, the consumption of unsweetened and weakly brewed tea with crackers is allowed. Perfectly satisfies hunger, and indeed biscuit cookies are recommended.

During the period of the disease, the human body loses many nutritional components, therefore, everyone should know what to eat after diarrhea and intestinal infection. It is necessary to replenish the lost vitamins, minerals, proteins.

Recommended food after diarrhea in an adult:

  • white bread (only not fresh, it is advisable to use yesterday's products);
  • dietary meat (rabbit, nutria, beef);
  • low-fat soups with various cereals, in which you can put cauliflower, carrots;
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content;
  • steamed lean fish;
  • thoroughly boiled watery cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat);
  • baked apples, fresh bananas - contain fiber, and are also natural sorbents;
  • 1 egg per day or steamed omelet;
  • meatballs or meatballs from turkey, chicken.

The introduction of the usual diet after diarrhea may not be earlier than 2 weeks after the treatment of diarrhea.

Prohibited Products

What you can eat after diarrhea and what is better to refrain from, it is extremely important to know. At the time of food poisoning and during the recovery period, you must adhere to table number 4. Remove irritable, heavy and very rough food from the menu. The main rule is not to overload the digestive tract with various products of dubious quality.

        What to eat after diarrhea is not recommended for an adult:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • soda, sweet drinks;
  • preservation, marinades, spices;
  • milk;
  • bakery products, cakes, pastries;
  • nuts, legumes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spicy, salty foods;
  • barley, barley porridge;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • seafood, fatty fish, red caviar;
  • jam, jam.

This is all that you can eat after diarrhea and vomiting. You can not drink concentrated juices with sourness, even if prepared with your own hands. Acid negatively affects the mucous membrane of the irritated stomach, intestines. When cooking dishes, you do not need to add spices, seasonings, disturbing the walls of the organ. This will greatly complicate the human condition, especially for irritable bowel syndrome.

What to eat after poisoning and diarrhea for an adult: yogurt, plain milk, cottage cheese are forbidden to drink with diarrhea, but they can be steamed into a healthy casserole, pudding.

Allowed drinks

When a person has consumed a stale product, diarrhea can last for several days. To restore the water balance, you should consume plenty of fluids. There will be no effect if you take everything in a row.

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to drink coffee after diarrhea. It is known that this drink adversely affects the genitourinary system, since it is a diuretic. For some time, you will need to exclude coffee, replacing it with green tea, herbal decoctions.

The diet after diarrhea is as follows:

  • rosehip - rich in vitamins, it is brewed in a teapot and drunk for several days;
  • chamomile infusion and other soothing herbal formulations will have a good result;
  • how to eat after diarrhea - blueberry, dogwood jelly have a fixing effect; make it not very concentrated and slightly sweet;
  • tea made from dried blueberries, chamomile - the healing properties of plants have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa.

When the patient has no appetite, drink plenty of fluids. Berry jelly, compote, black weak tea will be an excellent remedy.

Return to normal diet should be gradual. After vomiting and diarrhea, a certain diet lasts from 2-4 weeks, and specifically what an adult can eat after diarrhea, the specialist will tell.

Diarrhea in a child

When a baby is breastfed, there should be no changes in nutrition, since mother's milk contains various vitamins and trace elements necessary for the health of the baby, which contribute to the rapid renewal of a small organism. However, the mother should follow a certain diet herself, exclude foods that irritate the mucous membrane from the diet.

What can you eat after diarrhea for a bottle-fed child is another question:

  • babies who eat mixtures require additional help to recover, because such cereals do not have all the necessary trace elements;
  • the diet after diarrhea in a child is as follows: the baby will need mixtures with a high presence of bifidobacteria;
  • plentiful drink, it is also allowed to give Oralit, Regidron, purchased at a pharmacy; You can prepare your own solutions.

What can a child after diarrhea reach 1.5 years old eat:

  • initially, the baby is given mucous soups (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), only in a warm form;
  • food should be unsalted and homogeneous;
  • when the condition of a small patient improves a little, you can enter into the menu dishes prepared from low-fat varieties of fish, meat (required in crushed form).

Recommendations about what you can eat after diarrhea and vomiting will be given by your doctor. Self-medication is dangerous, especially when it comes to children. The doctor will draw up a wellness plan based on the symptoms and characteristics of the person.

Diarrhea is a pathological condition in which there is frequent loose stools at least 3 times a day. The factors for the formation of diarrhea are different, these are psychological or organic causes of development. However, despite this, it is important, at the initial signs of illness, to take appropriate measures to stop watery stools and know what to eat after diarrhea. The disease is dangerous because in the case of its long manifestation, dehydration of the body can occur.
