Rehabilitation of the disabled

There are more than 400 million people with disabilities in the world today. It does not matter what caused the limitation of a person's capabilities, all the same, every member of society has the right to normal life. It is to take into account all the features of the life of each person that a map of the rehabilitation of a disabled person or IPR (individual rehabilitation program) is developed. After all, it is impossible to compare the ability to lead a life of a visually impaired and a wheelchair user.

The concept of rehabilitation of people with disabilities

The very concept of "rehabilitation of people with disabilities" was formed gradually in the world community and at present it continues to develop actively. The main concept of multidisciplinary adaptation of people with disabilities, based on the adoption of global measures, is their return to society.

"Standards of rules for ensuring equal opportunities for persons with disabilities" refers to rehabilitation as a process whose purpose is to enable sick people to achieve the optimal physical, mental, social, intellectual level of activity and maintain it by providing means that will ensure a normal existence in society as an independent person. Comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled is aimed at restoring or partially restoring normal functions or compensating them if this was not achieved.

IMPORTANT! The main task of adaptation according to this document is to change society to the needs of people with disabilities by creating optimal conditions for them, and not to change a person with a disability so that he adapts to the life of society.

The system of rehabilitation of people with disabilities includes the following elements:

  • legislative, regulatory framework;
  • ideas, scientific ideas on this issue;
  • scientific and technical developments;
  • rehabilitation programs, including the federal basic program, regional basic and comprehensive (targeted) programs, IPR;
  • industry, which includes institutions for the adaptation of disabled people and the organization of various departments (general and vocational education, health, labor, social services, culture);
  • governing bodies exercising control over the public rehabilitation service;
  • public organizations for the rights of the disabled.

Principles of the rehabilitation system

Rehabilitation of disabled people at all stages has its own specific tasks and goals, measures for fulfilling tasks, means and methods of rehabilitation impact.

The successful implementation of the program requires the interaction of many structures and the active position of the patient himself. Rehabilitation takes place in one place or in several institutions. Sometimes the process takes place in stages according to the sequence established by specialists.

When working, you must comply with all the principles of rehabilitation of the disabled:

  • Timeliness.
  • IPR is carried out only in the chronic course of the disease, targeted.
  • Individuality.
  • Specifically for each person, a whole range of activities is developed,
  • Availability.

A person with disabilities should be able to freely access the entire range of services, regardless of their financial situation. Facilities should be within reach and nothing should be a barrier to receiving services.

  • Focus on achieving independence of the disabled.

A person's interest in achieving better results should be encouraged.

Tasks of rehabilitation programs

Rehabilitation of the disabled is a special system and process aimed at the partial or complete return of the ability of a person who has received a disability to perform their domestic, labor, and social functions.

The main objectives of the program are:

  • timely detection, diagnosis and initiation of treatment;
  • counseling and first aid by social workers;
  • providing means of transportation, auxiliary technical and social and household devices.
  • restoration of personal status;
  • prevention of the development of pathology;
  • health recovery;
  • early return of a person to work;
  • gradual return to society.

To accomplish the tasks set, several types of adaptation directions were developed. The main directions of rehabilitation of the disabled and their description are shown in the table.

Directions Description
Socio-medical-psychological adaptation The psychological rehabilitation of the disabled comes down to the formation of an adequate attitude towards the disease, an active position in relation to restorative measures, adequate expectations from the results, the elimination of depressive conditions that do not allow a person to adapt normally in society, live fully and master new social roles.
Labor adaptation It includes rehabilitation measures aimed at vocational guidance, retraining (acquisition of a new profession) if disability has led to the inability to work at the previous place of work, education, adaptation measures at work, employment assistance.
Medical adaptation The organization of medical rehabilitation of the disabled includes prosthetics, orthotics, restorative reconstructive surgical measures, sanatorium treatment.
Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation for the disabled It is aimed at restoring gaming, educational motivation, realizing the opportunity to attend preschool institutions, schools, institutions of general, secondary and higher education.
Social, which includes social and environmental and social rehabilitation It provides for the use by people with disabilities of various technical devices that allow them to feel like full-fledged members of society, the creation of conditions for unhindered access to social, engineering facilities, transport, communications and information support facilities.

IMPORTANT! A person with disabilities should know what rehabilitation of the disabled is, because without receiving an IPR, he will not be able to receive any services from the state for his rehabilitation. Disabled children study at pre-school, school, secondary and higher professional institutions according to their rehabilitation program.

Stages of rehabilitation of disabled people

In adults, IPR is developed for 1, 2 years, in some cases indefinitely. For children, a plan for the rehabilitation of disabled people is drawn up for 1-2 years or until they reach 18 years of age. After the development of the IPR, the institution of medical and social expertise sends it to the relevant executive authorities. They, in turn, approve the list of events, indicating the deadline and performers.

The process goes through 3 stages:

A. Rehabilitation therapy.

At this stage, the main role is played by the medical rehabilitation of the disabled, the biomedical status is restored. Measures are being taken to restore the disturbed functions of human organs and improve his health. In some patients with disabilities, IPR is completed already at this stage. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, this percentage reaches 87%. The patient achieves restoration or significant compensation of impaired health functions, can return to his usual work activity and lead a normal life.

B. Social rehabilitation.

Restoration of personal status, habitual social skills, functions, normal life activities, social role attitudes.

C. Social integration (reintegration).

At this stage, the restoration of social status occurs. Assistance is being provided and comfortable conditions are being created for people with disabilities to carry out normal life activities that are available to people without disabilities, their introduction into normal living and working conditions. An important role for the return to society is played by the labor rehabilitation of disabled people, with the help of which their material independence is achieved.

After passing the IPR, a written conclusion is made with an assessment of the results. They indicate whether compensation for lost functions has been achieved (assessment of medical rehabilitation of the disabled). Whether a new profession has been mastered, education received, qualifications improved, whether a new job has been selected (assessment of labor rehabilitation). Whether the ability to self-service has been achieved, whether a person can live independently, whether he has returned to his family and society (assessment of social adaptation). Whether the motivation for learning, communication, play (in children) or work (in adults) activities has been restored, whether the opportunity to receive education has been realized (assessment of psychological and pedagogical adaptation).

Based on the results obtained, a new program is being drawn up that will allow a person to further improve his standard of living.

Rehabilitation of the disabled - video
