Recovery after spleen removal
An operation to remove the spleen is a necessary measure in the treatment of an inflamed or injured organ. Surgical intervention does not affect the course of a person's life in any way, but sometimes causes severe complications.
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At the initial stage, the observed symptoms do not indicate serious changes, so the patient goes to the doctor for a consultation with a slight pain in the left side of the abdomen, which move slightly to the shoulder blade. A person can attribute discomfort to heart disease or neuralgia. But changes in the functionality of the spleen are determined after the necessary tests and examinations.
Diseases of the organ are terrible because it is difficult to determine them and can be done only after diagnosis. If the activity of the spleen is disturbed, pain, bruising, internal bleeding during rupture can be observed. It is necessary to run in a timely manner to a consultation with a specialist and remember the consequences of self-treatment.
There are no unnecessary systems and their components in the human body. Therefore, the spleen is removed only for indications that cause a threat to life. The removal operation is carried out due to the presence of:
- Damage to an organ that blocks its further functionality.
- Gap. It is caused by both various injuries and the different nature of the tumor, intoxication, concomitant diseases and the use of heavy medications.
- Damage to arteries, veins.
- Internal bleeding.
- HIV infection.
- Leukemia, anemia.
- Neoplasms that have arisen in the body.
- Complications that caused the craze sizes.
What happens without a spleen
Can you live without a spleen? Undoubtedly, because many people are born without this organ and their lives are full. Of course, the consequences after the operation arise completely unexpectedly, it is difficult to predict what will happen. But do not think that death or permanent disability cannot be avoided, everything will be much better.
Many people live without an organ, but surgical intervention is carried out only in individual cases when the activity of systems in the body is disrupted. Rehabilitation after removal of the spleen lasts quite a long time. Complications that arise directly depend on the patient's immune system, the recovery process and how long a person leads a healthy lifestyle, the form of damage to the diseased organ and the signs due to which doctors resorted to surgical intervention.
The main functions of the spleen after its removal compensate for other systems, the spread goes to nearby ones. The main functions are taken over by the liver, bone marrow and lymphatic system (its nodes). But it is impossible to completely replace the organ, because the removal of dead platelets from the bloodstream cannot be carried out by any existing organ. But medical workers prescribe medications to patients that prevent blood clots.
Possible Complications
Pathologies that have arisen during the year can persist throughout life. All of these complications are considered common and especially dangerous for a recovering organism. Here is what should make the patient worry:
- Internal hemorrhage
- Infection of the surface of the seams
- Damage to nearby organs and tissues
- thrombus formation
- Hernia in the abdominal region, due to improper work of the medical staff
- Changes in blood composition
- Inflammatory process
- Violation of the digestive system
- Feeling severe pain at the site of the stitches
- Infectious infection - cramps, burning, pus discharge, hyperthermia, increased pressure, trembling
- Different nature of the discharge from the site of surgical sutures
- Cough
- Nausea, vomiting, other gastrointestinal disorders
- shortness of breath
Rehabilitation after surgery
Recovery after removal of the spleen is faster in people who have a good immune system. He returns to normal after a week. With a complex operation, the transition to normal life can take more than a week. Especially if there were large blood losses and a transfusion was performed.
Life after the removal of the spleen does not stop, but only continues. In the first stages of rehabilitation, in order to avoid complications, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist:
- Change dressings as needed;
- On the first day, do not take a shower, bath;
- Do not refuse medical treatment, put droppers with painkillers;
- Maintain proper nutrition, pay more attention to vegetables;
- Stop heavy exercise and sports. Can be replaced by hiking in the fresh air;
- Wash only in the shower;
- Eliminate alcoholism, smoking and other bad habits;
- Drink clean water;
- Do not eat fast food, but eat only foods that have iron in their composition (all vegetables and fruits);
- Observe body hygiene;
- Forget about self-medication;
- Walking at least once a day;
- Do not overcool;
- Do not drive a car for 1.5 months;
- Register with your local doctor.
The rehabilitation period takes two months. At this stage, the doctor must carefully monitor the condition of the body. After all, the human immunity is weakened and requires external support.
Diet after splenectomy
A diet after spleen removal is a popular method of therapy and prevention that helps the body quickly adapt to new conditions. The most important thing in the diet is to eat foods that have an abundance of iron, as it helps restore blood formation.
All systems in the body are central, as is the spleen. It performs such significant activities as: immune, filtration and hematopoietic (stabilizes metabolism). The spleen ensures the emergence of a supply of blood, destroys its injured and dead elements, monitors the quality. Nutrition after removal of the spleen is to ensure that the systems receive the required amount of essential trace elements. But during therapy, they reduce the ingestion of cholesterol and hard-to-perceive fats into the body. After the removal of the spleen, patients think that they can eat all the food, but this is not so. Food is steamed, boiled or baked, but frying is strictly prohibited.
In the first three days after the intervention, the diet should be strict, then the patient can be transferred to an extended one. The diet after removal of the spleen should have a menu that is compiled by the doctor, based on a list of healthy foods. It excludes junk food, which should be removed from the diet as much as possible.
The energy value of the menu should be calculated individually within the normal range. Often, diseases of the spleen are accompanied by liver diseases, so patients are recommended an extended dietary table No. 5.
The list of prohibited foods after the removal of the spleen:
- Fatty meat and fish.
- Lard and refractory animal fats.
- Eggs.
- Canned.
- Smoked products.
- Marinated.
- Salt (up to five grams).
- Fatty meals.
- acidic foods.
- Bread, flour products.
- Sweet.
- Salo.
- Energy and carbonated drinks.
- Alcohol.
- Hot spices.
The extraction of an organ affects the activity of the whole organism, because it is its component. Recovery after the intervention is a long-term process that takes several months until the body rebuilds and compensates for the work of the excised spleen. The immune system is under stress, and the body cannot fight the infection.
Surgical removal requires a recovery period of two months, during which the body tries to strengthen the immune system and compensate for the lost spleen. When the patient is discharged from the hospital, it is recommended to adhere to the established dietary intake and follow medical prescriptions. Light exercise is allowed after the body recovers from surgery. You can perform simple elements of gymnastics, organize walks and go swimming. Six months later, the patient must be fully examined, so that the doctor makes a verdict, can he return to his usual life or not.
The following actions will also help the body to rehabilitate and not attract pathologies:
- Eliminate stress.
- Meals five times a day.
- Wear comfortable, loose clothing.
- Maintaining an active lifestyle, sluggish activity only exposes the development of infection.
- Light massages of the left abdomen.