Restoration of flora in gynecology after antibiotics

At the beginning of the 20th century, antibiotics became a real breakthrough in medicine and today they help to easily cure most serious diseases. Unfortunately, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like: in addition to harmful bacteria, antibiotics also destroy beneficial microflora. As a result, the appearance of dysbacteriosis and the development of candidiasis (in the common people - thrush) in the fair sex serve. To avoid serious consequences, you need to know how to restore the vaginal microflora after antibiotics.

What is a violation of the vaginal microflora

The very violation of the microflora is called dysbiosis. As a rule, it proceeds in three forms:

  1. Sluggish. The most common form. Usually, the female body copes with such dysbacteriosis itself and the restoration of the vaginal microflora takes place some time after the completion of antibiotics.
  2. Acute. This form is characterized by the appearance of foul-smelling yellowish or white copious discharge. In addition, itching, moderate pain, burning sensation appear, and dryness and discomfort during intercourse can also be observed. At this stage, it is very important to start restoring the vaginal flora after antibiotics, because the acute form can quickly turn into a chronic one.
  3. Chronic. The most dangerous form that can no longer be cured. It manifests itself in the alternation of exacerbations and remissions (the period of attenuation, when it seems to a woman that she is healthy and nothing bothers her). The absence of lactobacilli and the accelerated growth of pathogenic flora during the chronic form can lead to infertility, infection of the uterus along the ascending path, cystitis and urethritis and pyelonephritis. Therefore, during the period of exacerbations, it is imperative to seek help from a gynecologist. Independent development of a useful environment in this case no longer occurs. Therefore, a woman needs to learn how to restore the vaginal flora after antibiotics and what drugs are needed for this.

Signs that should be cause for concern

When a woman cannot cope with vaginal dysbacteriosis herself, she needs a doctor's consultation and timely treatment. Any signs, including a change in the color and consistency of the discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching, pain and burning, should prompt you to contact a gynecologist to help the woman restore the flora after antibiotics. It must be remembered that if something brings discomfort, then this may signal some kind of violation or the development of pathologies. You should not neglect your health.

The consequences of taking antibiotics for the flora in gynecology

Even absolutely healthy women and girls have pathogenic microorganisms in the vaginal microflora, but since the ratio of beneficial bacteria is only 1% out of 100, there is nothing to worry about. Only 25% of women worldwide have a completely healthy microflora.

After the flora is disturbed by taking antibiotics, the following consequences may occur:

  • The development of candidiasis, which provokes the reproduction of Candida fungi, which, although it seems harmless, entails serious complications. Therefore, the restoration of the flora in gynecology after antibiotics is necessary so as not to harm the body even more.
  • Penetration of harmful microorganisms such as streptococci, staphylococci, gardnerella, chlamydia, E. coli, etc. Since the beneficial bacteria that serve as a barrier to diseases are destroyed by antibiotics, nothing prevents their pathogens from getting into the vagina and starting to actively multiply there.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina).
  • Delayed menses.
  • The development of infertility and infection of the uterus (inflammation of the endometrium) if a woman does not begin the timely restoration of the vaginal microflora after taking antibiotics.
  • Miscarriages in pregnant women.
  • Pathology of the cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Treatment of disturbed vaginal microflora

Faced with this problem, women usually wonder "how to restore the microflora of the vagina after taking antibiotics." Treatment of dysbacteriosis consists of 3 stages, including antibiotic therapy, colonization of the flora with beneficial microorganisms and restoration of immunity.

Antibacterial therapy is necessary to "pacify" the rapidly developing colonies of harmful bacteria. Among the drugs prescribed at this stage, Furozalidon, Amoclav, Trichopolum, Sumamed, Dalacin, etc. are distinguished. In addition to tablets, suppositories (candles), creams, as well as various baths and tampons soaked in anti-inflammatory solutions are used. They can be both chemical and vegetable in nature. For example, chamomile water baths. Among the suppositories used in antibacterial therapy, the most effective are Hexicon and Flagyl based on chlorhexidine and metronidazole.

In parallel with the destruction of pathogens, the restoration of microflora in gynecology is carried out using additional drugs. It can be done both orally (orally in the form of tablets) and intravaginally using suppositories containing strains of acidophilus bifidobacteria. The latter method is more preferable, and the first is universal not only for the vagina, but also for the body as a whole. After all, lactobacilli also live in the intestines of any person.

Suppositories, unlike tablets, have no contraindications. They can be used even by pregnant women. The most famous representatives: Bifidumbacterin, Acepol, Atsilakt, Normoflorin and Kipferon, as well as Lactobacterin in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of solutions. Normalization of microflora after antibiotics in women lasts for 10 days. If menstrual bleeding occurs during this period, then treatment with suppositories is postponed until they run out.

The third stage involves raising immunity and general strengthening with the use of immunomodulating agents. Among them are Cycloferon (tablets) and Immunal (drops or tablets).

Candidiasis and disturbed microflora

Vaginal candidiasis is the most common female problem that occurs after long-term treatment of serious diseases. If, in addition to dysbacteriosis, thrush began to develop, then antimycotic drugs are also included in the restoration of microflora in gynecology after antibiotics. It is impossible to completely remove the Candida fungus from the body, so the main task of treatment is to reduce its strains and control reproduction.

Treatment of the vaginal flora after antibiotics and the suppression of candidiasis is carried out with the help of tablets, ointments, suppositories and solutions. If the disease has become severe, the gynecologist prescribes infusions or injections based on miconazole, clotrimazole and miconazole. The most well-known drugs for the treatment of thrush are Pimafucin, Flucostat, Fluconazole, Nystatin and Pimafucin. The latter will be more preferable for pregnant and lactating women.

What you need to know after restoring the imbalance of the vaginal microflora

In addition to taking antibacterial and immunomodulatory drugs, as well as lactobacilli, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that the treatment is effective without relapses. It is highly not recommended to drink alcohol, smoking, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics and hormonal drugs, without special indications from a doctor. If it is possible to treat any disease that has arisen without the use of antibiotic drugs, then this opportunity must be used and resorted to only when necessary. In addition, it is necessary to eat rationally, be sure to monitor your hygiene and sleep, and avoid casual and unprotected sexual intercourse.

Thus, in order to restore the flora of the vagina after antibiotics, not so much is required, if you do not take into account drug treatment. Only in conjunction with the observance of all the recommendations of the gynecologist, therapy gives a positive effect, and dysbacteriosis will cease to be a concern for a long time. This should not be treated with indifference, because the future of a woman will largely depend on the result.
