How to recover after an abortion

Abortion is considered a strong stress for the female body, and after it, a long recovery is required. The duration of the rehabilitation of the body is determined both by the experience of the specialist and by the method of removal of the fetal egg. After a medical interruption, the body returns to its previous state much faster, but the operation usually requires a lot of time and effort from the woman. As a rule, the recovery period after an abortion lasts from one to six months.

The duration of rehabilitation after an abortion

In order to understand how to recover after an abortion and what determines the duration of the rehabilitation period, you need to understand what affects this process. The duration of the recovery of the female body after termination of pregnancy is determined strictly individually and depends on the following factors:

  1. Gestation period. The shorter the gestation period, the sooner the level of placental hormones in the female body decreases and the menstrual cycle is restored;
  2. The quality of the abortion. Scraping of the endometrial layer and the fetal egg is carried out using a curette, and such manipulation is carried out blindly. The consequence of this may be damage to the mucosa and either an incomplete abortion.
  3. Pathology of the endocrine system. To complicate the period of rehabilitation after an abortion, the patient may have any gynecological or endocrine pathologies that were detected in her even before pregnancy. Polycystosis, thyrotoxicosis, hormonal imbalance and irregular menstrual cycle can delay the recovery period of the body after an abortion.
  4. Presence of complications. Serious complications after a medical abortion are infection, damage to the muscle layer and perforation of the reproductive organ.

When carrying out the procedure in antiseptic conditions, taking antibacterial drugs and the absence of various pathologies of the endocrine system in a woman before pregnancy, the rehabilitation period after the operation can be very short.

Recovery after an abortion

Abortion is stressful for the body, so a woman should know how to restore the body after an abortion, and what symptoms to look for. After such an abortion, in almost all patients, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. This is due to the fact that there are failures in the production of the required amount of gonadotropins and the ovaries cannot function fully. They increase in size and begin to produce hormones such as estrogen. In the event that the pregnancy ends with the birth of a child, then in a fairly short time everything returns to normal.

Many women ask a specialist how long the body recovers after an abortion and is it possible to speed up such a process? After an abortion, the risk of developing a woman is too high:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • polycystic;
  • changes in the endometrial layer;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • violation of the second phase of the cycle.

With such violations after the operation, the rehabilitation of the female body may take months, and even years. In the absence of any complications, menstruation usually begins after 28-30 days, and the first few months it may not be plentiful. This is due to the fact that the endometrium of the reproductive organ has not yet fully recovered.

With too long scanty discharge for several months, the woman should be carefully examined. The fact is that such a phenomenon can be triggered by certain reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the cervix or endometrium, which causes adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • functional failure in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and ovaries.

Too abundant discharge, which appears during the recovery period of the body after an abortion, is also considered a dangerous signal. They may indicate that the patient has developed adenomyosis or endometrial hyperplasia.

After an abortion, the genital organ suffers the most and it receives serious damage if the removal of the fetal egg was performed for too long. In addition, a serious danger is the curettage of the uterus with instruments that are used during the operation.

After an abortion, the uterus begins to shrink and eventually takes its former size. In the place where the fetal egg was attached, a wound forms, and it will take some time to heal. In the absence of any complications, the restoration of the reproductive organ takes about a month, and by the beginning of the next menstruation, it returns to its previous size. In the event that at the examination after 2 weeks the specialist notices that the size of the uterus is enlarged, then he can assume its inflammation. In addition, a dangerous sign is the appearance of secretions of a dark red color with an unpleasant odor, as well as increased soreness of the organ and its softening.

During recovery after an abortion, the genital organ is cleansed of spotting, and normally their amount should be moderate. The presence of clots in the discharge is considered acceptable, but if they are too abundant, you should consult a doctor.

During rehabilitation after an abortion for some time, a woman is usually worried about pain in the lower abdomen, which disappear after a week. A dangerous signal is the appearance of sharp cramping pain, which may indicate that parts of the embryo remain in the uterine cavity. The appearance of aching pain in combination with a rise in temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences after an abortion, a woman is prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Recovery after medical abortion

Experts call medical abortion hormonal, and it is carried out in the early stages of pregnancy using special medicines. Drugs are introduced into the female body that affect the contraction of the reproductive organ and the production of hormones responsible for the safe course of pregnancy. With the introduction of such medications into the body, an increased contraction of the uterus begins and the production of the necessary hormones decreases, which causes the death of the fetal egg and miscarriage.

When asked by patients about how to recover from a medical abortion, experts usually give the following recommendations:

  • avoid stressful situations, rest more and eat well;
  • to reduce pain, take medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • adhere to proper nutrition with a sufficient content of vitamins and trace elements;
  • give up sexual activity for a while, which will avoid re-pregnancy and infections;
  • control your menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge, because hormonal correction may be required.

If such recommendations are followed and attentive to one's health, rehabilitation after a medical abortion is quick and a woman manages to avoid the development of dangerous complications after an abortion.

Possible Complications

How does the body recover after an abortion, and what unpleasant consequences can such an abortion lead to? Abortion is a complex surgical intervention, and after its implementation there is a risk of developing various complications. Part of the fetal egg may remain in the uterine cavity, so the specialist performs a thorough cleaning of the genital organ, which can cause damage to the mucous membrane and cervix. The consequence of such a pathological condition is the development of severe bleeding, and the woman is subject to urgent hospitalization.

The presence in the uterine cavity of the remnants of the fetal egg is considered a favorable environment for the development of various infections and pathogenic microorganisms. In the absence of effective treatment, mucosal injuries cause the development of pathologies such as endometritis, salpingitis and the formation of purulent exudate.

A woman should know if any signs appear, she should immediately seek medical help. After an abortion, the following symptoms are considered dangerous:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the abdomen;
  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • constant dizziness;
  • high body temperature that cannot be reduced with medication;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • severe bleeding with clots.

Full recovery after an abortion of the female body occurs within 6 months and in most cases it is successful. In such a situation, there is no need for various restorative procedures and the use of hormonal drugs.

Throughout the recovery period after medical abortion and surgery, a woman should avoid heavy physical exertion, control her body temperature and follow all doctor's prescriptions. Even a specialist cannot answer exactly the question of how much the body recovers after an abortion, because such a process is considered purely physiological and is determined by the individual characteristics of the female body.

How to recover after an abortion - video
