Diet after poisoning

Everyone has experienced food poisoning at least once in their life. Especially often food poisoning occurs when eating perishable foods, especially in the summer season, less often - alcohol, drugs or chemicals. Regardless of the type of intoxication, after drug treatment and elimination of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to restore the body with a diet after poisoning. In this article, we will figure out what you can eat after poisoning and whether you can eat at all.

The importance of diet for the body

During poisoning, toxic substances enter the human body, which disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affect its mucosa, irritate the stomach. During vomiting and diarrhea, the human body loses a lot of fluid, which leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and, as a result, to dehydration. In addition, vomiting and diarrhea wash out useful substances and trace elements from the body, the body is depleted.

Diet after poisoning in adults and children makes it possible:

  • replenish the supply of vitamins and important trace elements in the body;
  • replenish fluid reserves and restore water balance;
  • reduce inflammation and improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • remove harmful substances from the body;
  • relieve the work of a weakened stomach and accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane by eliminating heavy foods and making a menu after food poisoning from sparing foods.

In order for the body to fully recover, a person who has suffered from intoxication must know how to eat after stomach poisoning, what you can eat and what you can’t eat.

Diet period after food poisoning in adults and children

Dietary nutrition after poisoning is an important method in complex treatment. A diet after intestinal poisoning in adults and children should be started already when the first symptoms of intoxication appear and stick to it for 7-14 days.

On the first day, any food after poisoning is prohibited. Water, on the contrary, should be drunk in large quantities, at least 2 liters per day. It will help to quickly remove harmful substances and replenish the necessary fluid supply. In addition to water, other drinks are also suitable (tea, mineral water, fruit drink, compote). It is very good if it is a pharmacy solution of electrolytes. It is desirable that the drink be warm. If there is such a symptom as vomiting, you should drink in small portions so as not to provoke the gag reflex once again.

On the second day, food after poisoning is also not recommended. But usually at this time a person already has a strong feeling of hunger. The main rule on this day will be - do not overeat and follow the recommendations on what you can eat after food poisoning on the second day. Too much of a large amount of food or heavy eating after food poisoning can cause the reappearance of symptoms of intoxication and a general deterioration in well-being. On the second day, the gastric mucosa has not yet had time to recover, as well as the enzymatic activity of the intestines, so irritating food after food poisoning will only aggravate the situation. Here's what you can eat after food poisoning on the second day: jelly, light broth, low-fat yogurt, liquid mashed vegetables. A cracker or a small piece of bread of yesterday's freshness is allowed.

As a rule, after two days of diet after food poisoning, the body is cleared of bacteria, viruses and toxins, the patient has an appetite. This is the time when you should ask how to eat after food poisoning from the third day. What can you eat after food poisoning for an adult and a child on the third day:

  • rice on the water;
  • rice water;
  • crackers;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • biscuit cookies.

From the fourth day until the fourteenth, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet and menu after poisoning. What can you eat after food poisoning for an adult and a child after 3 days:

  • water, tea, compote, jelly from berries and fruits (apples, pears), rosehip broth;
  • cereals on the water of a liquid consistency (more than others, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal are recommended);
  • crackers, crackers, biscuits, not too fresh bread;
  • vegetable soups;
  • cereal soups;
  • steamed cutlets and meatballs, mashed potatoes or soufflés made from chicken, duck, beef, rabbit or turkey meat, as well as low-fat fish;
  • low-fat kefir and yogurt;
  • cottage cheese baked in the form of a soufflé casserole;
  • boiled eggs, steamed scrambled eggs or in a slow cooker;
  • a small amount of butter and vegetable oil;
  • vegetables, boiled or steamed.

The menu for nutrition after food poisoning in an adult and a child should be complete and balanced. Particular attention should be paid to those foods that you need to eat after poisoning. And this is the food that contains animal protein. Since protein is the main "builder" in the body, with its help, the regeneration of the cellular structures of the mucosa is faster.

4 rules of nutrition after food poisoning in an adult and a child

The basic rules of nutrition after food poisoning throughout the entire period of the diet are as follows:

  1. Food after stomach poisoning should be warm, too hot or too cold food is not comfortable for the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. You need to know what to eat after food poisoning you need boiled, steamed or, in extreme cases, stewed food.
  3. It should also be remembered that it is better to eat liquid, puree-like food, rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a blender, after poisoning the stomach.
  4. It should be borne in mind that it is better for an adult and a child to eat after food poisoning in small portions and often - from 5 to 7 times a day.
  5. The menu after poisoning should consist of easily digestible dishes. It is better to refuse products that irritate the mucous membrane and cause fermentation.
  6. It is better to return to the usual diet gradually. It is recommended to add new foods and increase the amount of food consumed slowly, observing the reaction of the body.
  7. The liquid is not only possible, but also strongly recommended to drink in unlimited quantities.

Under a strict ban: what not to eat after poisoning

For a quick recovery from the menu after poisoning in adults and children, foods that are difficult for digestion, irritating the mucous membrane, causing fermentation processes and increased gas formation in the intestine are excluded. Spicy, salty, spicy, sour, smoked foods, as well as fried and fatty foods are prohibited. Carbohydrates present in plant foods, namely fresh vegetables and fruits, are also heavy for the intestines.

How to eat after food poisoning is impossible? Exclude the following products:

  1. Sausages.
  2. Canned food.
  3. Semi-finished products.
  4. Mushrooms.
  5. Millet, barley, barley porridge.
  6. Meat and fish of fatty varieties, lard.
  7. Rich, thick and fatty broths.
  8. Fresh baked goods, especially muffins.
  9. Sweets, including honey, chocolate, jam, store-bought confectionery.
  10.  Milk.
  11.  Sour-milk products of high fat content, sour cream.
  12.  Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  13.  Legumes.
  14.  Cabbage.
  15.  Carbonated drinks and juices, coffee, cocoa.
  16.  Preservation, including compotes, marinades.
  17.  Sauces, spices.
  18.  Alcoholic drinks.

Separately about drinking

Along with what you can eat after food poisoning, you also need to know what you can drink and how to do it. The best option on the first day of nutrition after poisoning would be to drink regenerative drugs that normalize the salt balance. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. At home, you can prepare a similar salt-alkaline solution. To do this, in 1 liter of warm water you need to dissolve half a tablespoon of salt and one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

In the following days of the diet, mineral water without gas, decoctions and herbal teas, dried fruit compote, rose hips, and rice water are suitable for drinking. Ordinary water should be purified or boiled. You need to drink often, in small sips in a volume of at least 200-250 ml at a time. The procedure is repeated every hour and a half.

Final stage

After a 2-week diet, it is time to gradually return to a normal diet. In the third or fourth week, you can enter fried foods, bakery products and other pastries, fresh vegetables, meat and fish of any kind, crumbly cereals, sweets. But at the same time, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body and, if necessary, cancel the prohibited foods for some more time.


No matter how strong the poisoning is, if you follow a therapeutic sparing diet with the exclusion of prohibited foods, the recovery of the body will pass quickly and imperceptibly. In addition, such a healthy diet strengthens the body and helps prevent various diseases.

Diet after poisoning - video
