Diet after hysterectomy

Surgical intervention in the main reproductive organ of a woman is becoming common. Diet after removal of the uterus is an important condition for the recovery period. The diet is developed by the attending physician, which includes the observance of fractional nutrition according to a strict scheme. This order slows down the development of pathologies, increases the normalization of metabolic processes, affects the rate of return to an active lifestyle.

Stages of the rehabilitation period

Hysterectomy, as a last resort for the treatment of gynecological diseases, is used when:

  • malignant education;
  • risk in the degeneration of the cyst;
  • benign tumor;
  • injuries with extensive uterine bleeding.

The development of technology allows surgeons to successfully perform operations, they place the main emphasis on restorative procedures.

Diet after surgery to remove the uterus is justified by the reasons:

  1. Surgery negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, and proper nutrition regulates the functions of the system.
  2. The operation contributes to a sharp hormonal failure after the removal of a single genital organ, weight gain occurs. Only the diet will help to normalize it, hormone therapy alone cannot cope.
  3. General anesthesia puts stress on the body. Correcting the problem requires time and rational food that can restore vital functions.
  4. Saturation of the body with useful substances will help a woman endure general weakness, nausea after chemotherapy, complex procedures prescribed for the treatment of a serious illness.

Attending physicians share postoperative monitoring of patients in stages:

  • early;
  • late;
  • outpatient.

The first 3 days after the operation are the most critical. During this period, the body is cleansed, it fights for its restoration.

The gynecologist makes sure that there are no complications:

  • thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • bloated bowel disorders.

On day 4 and until discharge from the hospital:

  • the wound heals;
  • the intestines normalize their work;
  • metabolic processes are restored.

When a patient goes home for outpatient treatment, her health will depend on factors such as how the woman or relatives organize the diet and follow the regimen appropriate to the case.

What role does food intake play?

Nutrition after surgery to remove the uterus is aimed at helping the body resist intoxication, inflammatory processes to accelerate healing. The life support system is depleted of protein and vitamin deficiency due to blood loss. It is required to normalize the intestines so that flatulence and constipation do not begin. The patient should not push, otherwise the seams will open. The stomach should begin its work in successive cycles:

  1. On the first day, a woman is allowed to consume fat-free kefir in small doses, dividing half a liter for this time.
  2. The second day is devoted to mashed vegetable soups, weak broths.
  3. After 3 days, you can start steaming lean meats.

The diet for gynecological patients, before and after surgery, is developed by nutritionists. Self-distribution of products is highly undesirable. Lack of supervision by the attending physician, non-compliance with the recommendations will lead to negative consequences and undesirable results from a complex operation.

What are the principles of the diet?

Nutrition after removal of the uterus is based on specific rules, which doctors categorically forbid to violate. The first condition is the crushing of food into portions that need to be eaten in 6 doses during the day.

The nutritionist distributes dense consumption of products - in the morning, at lunchtime, in the evening and prescribes minor snacks. The order helps to maintain the metabolism at the proper level without gaining weight. The diet maintains a balance of substances entering the body. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated in the right ratio.

The diet should include:

  • nuts;
  • salmon and cod fish;
  • olive, linseed oil;
  • egg yolks.

Cereals, as the main source of complex carbohydrates, will create a good mood with a feeling of cheerfulness. Pastries, sweet foods should be excluded from the menu. Pay attention to the choice of drinks. Increased fluid intake is required.

Drinking water without gas:

  • removes toxins;
  • does not allow blood to thicken;
  • serves as a preventive factor against the formation of thrombosis.

It is forbidden to drink:

  • sweet soda;
  • power engineer;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • juice packs.

Tea is allowed weak and green, and there are restrictions for coffee. One cup a day will not harm your health, but you should not increase the amount.

It is necessary to focus more on vitamins, substances that contain fiber:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables rich in antioxidants.

To preserve the hormonal background and the kidneys, the thyroid gland is removed from the diet:

  • oily;
  • acute;
  • salty.

For cooking, choose boiling and baking, avoid frying in oil.

Requirements and conditions for cooking

Throughout the recovery period, they are careful about the choice of products, patients consult with the doctor what can be eaten after removal of the uterus. In the first days, meals are prepared in the hospital, served according to the regimen. The medical staff observes that visitors do not harm with a prohibited food set.

Experts prescribe a diet that will include:

  1. For lunch, slimy soup. To do this, boil semolina, oatmeal, rice or pearl barley. From vegetables, the addition of carrots, potatoes, pumpkins is allowed. After boiling, the contents are subject to thorough grinding. For taste quality, the soup is mixed with a spoonful of low-fat cream, milk, or butter is placed on a plate. You can beat the egg and add to the boiling broth. All components are added in minimal quantities.
  2. When it comes time for meat, it is passed through a meat grinder without skin and veins. The boiled whole piece is crushed in a blender. The egg, beaten until smooth, is added and mixed with minced meat. The components are placed in a baking dish, placed in the oven or under a “steam bath”.
  3. Acceptance of dairy products in the form of milk, cream, whey, fat-free cottage cheese is allowed.
  4. Egg omelet is being prepared.
  5. In cereals, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, rubbed to a liquid state.
  6. The use of fresh fruits and berries in the early days is undesirable. They can cause flatulence with bloating that threatens stitches. Cooking jelly or compote will not harm your health.
  7. Plain water, rosehip decoctions without sugar, will be the main drinks for the first time.
  8. Gradually, small amounts of lean or butter are added to meat, fish dishes, porridge or mashed potatoes.

Proper nutrition after surgery, removal of the uterus helps the body recover without stress, without breaking the seams.

What is strictly prohibited?

After a complex gynecological operation, doctors have a twofold attitude:

  • to protect the wound from ruptures, which means not giving plenty of food to the patient;
  • feed the patient so that all biological systems receive the necessary nutrients.

The work of nutritionists is aimed at:

  • protect the result of the work of colleagues;
  • protect the intestinal tract from any unwanted effects;
  • eliminate intestinal irritation;
  • develop a program to saturate the body with good nutrition, vitamins to restore normal motor skills, evacuation functions.

A team of scientists investigated food components of different composition that can harm the patient. Only a strict diet after abdominal surgery to remove the uterus will save the seam, increase the healing process. Nutritionists have classified food sets that a woman is forbidden to use during the rehabilitation period.


  • for fresh bakery products;
  • fatty fried and canned fish, caviar;
  • wheat, corn grits, pasta;
  • smoked meats, fried pork, goose;
  • animal fats;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • chocolates with ice cream.

Do not drink drinks that irritate the digestive tract. These primarily include alcohol-containing products, caffeine and fruit juices. Citrus compotes can increase the acidity of the stomach - this phenomenon is undesirable to create after the removal of the reproductive organ.

What foods are good after surgery

The diet after the removal of the uterus with appendages transfers the substances necessary for recovery to the woman's body. A strict diet is established in the first days after the operation. New components are introduced into the diet gradually, allowing the stomach to get used to the load. At first, the woman eats often, but in small doses. After one yogurt, meat and fish are served on the second day, and the mashed soup is replaced with ordinary pieces with potatoes, cabbage and onions, depending on the healing of the wound.

The diet menu includes dishes that are healthy, provide an invaluable service to a woman:

  • juice from non-acid fruits or vegetables, tea;
  • beef, chicken boiled meat or steam cutlet;
  • lean unrefined oils;
  • vegetables, they are stewed or boiled;
  • fruits, berries that do not cause swelling;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content.

The final adjustment of the diet will be made by the attending physician. He alone knows the condition of the patient, the absence or occurrence of complications, the rate of wound healing.


Observation by gynecologists of patients shows how difficult it is morally and physically for a woman to survive an operation to remove an important organ for her. Loss of strength, nausea and vomiting are tormented on the first day. Patients give due importance to the diet and the order of its observance. Gradually, a habit of rational nutrition is created, which remains for many years. Doctors convincingly recommend not to delay or neglect scheduled examinations. Timely detection of oncology will save the uterus and a full life.
